Chapter VII: Jacob's Point of View

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Annie was a saint, I swear. She could read me better than anyone. I gave her a look begging her to give me alone time with her sister. So what did she do? She went into the house to visit with my father. "Come on, Bells, I have something to show you," I said, taking her cold hand in mine.

"Jake, thank you so much for everything," Bella said. I looked at her, confused. "You've been a good friend to me. I really appreciate it." She blushed when I squeezed her hand.

It was good to see some color in Bella's face again. After the Douche-bag had left her, she was just a shell of a person. Annie said she would wake up, screaming so loud, she was surprised the windows hadn't shouted. Back then, Annie looked more zombie than human too. She spent so much time watching after Bella. I'll never forget the day she came to school, less than a month after Douche-bag had left.

My Annie, the one who made my days a little easier, was gone. Instead, a sleep deprived woman stood in her place. Her eyes were ringed with darkness, her hands clutched around a coffee cup. And Quil didn't help the cause by informing her that she looked like shit. I was glad when I finally convinced her to go home and go to sleep.

But now that I had Bella back on the track a normal human should be on, Annie was doing better too. Bella was so different from Annie. She was so quiet, as if she was concerned what would happen if she voiced her opinions. She wore makeup and if she thought I wasn't paying attention, she would attempt to smooth her hair down. I never really saw anything wrong with her hair, but what did I know about girls? The only girl I know is Annie and she isn't exactly the picture of femininity. Oh and Bella wasn't all. I quickly learned to laugh when she said something that she thought was funny. I liked her; I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

I kept the bikes under a tarp, stalling for a while before finally bringing her towards the bikes. "So, they're not perfect, but they definitely look better," I said, pulling the tarp off. I still hadn't found a helmet for Bella, even after Annie begged me, but I knew Bella would do fine. It wasn't exactly hard. I pulled the tarp back and Bella squealed. "Jake, they look great!" she shouted.

I looked up as the door slammed shut. "Rye, don't they look fantastic?" Bella said, gesturing to the bikes that Annie had spent hours rebuilding with me. It must've sucked for Annie. She was such a great little grease monkey and she wouldn't even tell her sister.

I guess that was one thing that got me about Bella. She didn't approve of Annie's hobbies and she wasn't shy about it. I had to bite my tongue the other day when she told Annie to put a little of that eye-gunk on her lashes so she would look prettier. Annie was beautiful and everyone knew it. I mean, I spend the better part of the day guarding her from the stupid idiots who try to get in her pants. I moved away from Bella and looked at Annie with a smile.

"Well, Annie's is pretty much stuck with me, but what about you, Bella? I mean, now that the bikes are fixed, you still going to come around?" I asked with a laugh. Annie glared at me, probably for the first comment while Bella just bit the inside of her lip.

"As long as you'll let me come over, I'll be there," she said with a shy smile. As I smiled, I understood why women needed face lifts. My skin stretched tight, trying to compensate for my joy. Bella just walked by me and Annie, heading towards the house. I turned to Annie, waiting for her comment. Instead, all I saw was her rolling her eyes. Knowing that Bella was still in earshot, I mouthed, "What's wrong?"

"Slow your heels, cowboy. Bella's just getting back to normal." She was the only who understood when I mouthed. And I could watch her mouth whole paragraphs and understand what she was saying. This time was no different. In her own way, Annie was warning me to be careful with her sister. I just nodded and we continued into the house.

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