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(Btw, drew the picture myself. X3)

Leo and Raph's POV

"No way! For real??" Leo and Raph had been exchanging the information they received the other night from their conversations with Donnie and Casey. "Yeah! Don told me all about it! He said that he thinks his little self and him have some kind of connection, making him have feelings for Casey!" Leo smiled. "That's exactly what Casey told me! He thought him and his lil' self had a connection too!" Raph went on about how it was "freaking out" Casey. Leo nodded in agreement, though couldn't say if Donnie was freaked out by it. "Oh my gosh!" Leo frantically tapped Raph shoulder. "What?" Raph pushed his hand away, playfully. "We should set them up, on a date! But we can't let them see it as a date..." Leo peeked Raph's interest, enough to make him follow along with Leo's crazy scheme. "Okay, so how do we do it?" A huge smiled creeped along Leo's face when Raph asked that question.

Donnie's POV

Ugh. That's just great. Leo paired me with Casey to go on a mission. Well, it's more like a treasure hunt. Raph goes with April and Mikey with Leo. It's the worst. "Soooooooooooooooo.... what are we looking for?" Casey's sweet voice... I-I MEAN VOICE! NO! NOT SWEET AT ALL, IT'S TERRIBLE...! I returned to reality. "Oh! Uh..." I tried to think but his smile kept distracting me. Oh, how I wanted to kis- kill. Kill him. I wanted to kill him. "I think it was a bouquet of roses..." My cheeks colored a light pink. "For what?" He laughed a little. I could listen to his laugh for hours... before it drives me insane...! "I don't know..." He was so close to me. I wish I could just lean against him without making anything weird... I'm so confused....

Casey's POV

Welp, stuck with the nerd on this little scavenger hunt. Or treasure hunt. Whatever. I tried making some conversation with him.... He's so cute when he gets lost in his thoughts... I MEAN. EW! WHAT? THAT'S DISGUSTING...! "Well, obviously, there's a reason why our fearless leader wanted us to do this. I don't know why, though. Casey Jones hates surprises." I smiled at him, hoping to receive one. He smiled a little. It was adorable... L-Like.... like if he were a... cat? Not adorable like in an April way or anything... right...? "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" I heard Don yell, taking me out of my thoughts. One of the tree branches fell, almost hitting us both on our head. And Don... he was holding me.... I mean, I knew he was startled, but it felt comforting. I hugged him, blushing. I felt my ears get hot. Ugh, why is love so confusing...

Donnie's POV

Out of instinct, I hugged Casey. I swear, my face turned bright red and my heart was beating out of my chest. But then... he hugged me back. We almost never hug... it felt nice... "I-I'm sorry...!" I didn't know what to do, other than apologize. But when he pulled away... his eyes sparkled. "It's okay..." he smiled. I smiled too. We both stared at eachother for a minute... before we found ourselves leaning in closer...

Casey's POV

Was this really happening....? Was I really about to kiss Donnie...?? Before I knew it, our lips met. It was amazing. I've never felt something so passionate.... so loving.... when we broke the kiss, we stared at eachother. Again. Our faces were red, my heart beating so fast.... just like my little self had described... the feeling... it had to be real...

Donnie's POV

I love him. I must love him, he surpasses all the feelings I have or have had for April... it's true. "I..." I had to tell him... "I love you... Casey Jones..." Casey's eyes widened. "I love you too... Donatello..." I blushed, smiling. The rest of the treasure hunt had been spent talking and laughing. I'll never forget this day...

April's POV

I'm so happy for Donnie and Casey. They've been together for a few months now. I'm surprised we've been in the Farmhouse for this long... but building New York City again is going to take some time. I caught my younger self trying to get revenge, trying to break the two apart. We stopped the issued once again. Why little me?? Ugh... But sadly, the clones are going to be disappearing... for good. They can only last so long... so tonight, we say our goodbyes. I'm going to miss them... "Goodbye!" We all said in unison. "Meow!" Ice Cream Kitty waved her arm. They all said goodbye in return and just like that, they disappeared.... "Man... I'm gonna miss my little self..." Raph sighed. Mikey and Casey agreed. "Nothing last forever, my family." Master Splinter smiled and so did we, escorting us back into the Farmhouse afterwards.
But at least they left a memento for us... Casey and Donnie's new relationship...

Leo and Raph's POV

"Man, all we ever do now is gossip about those two." Leo laughed. "Yup, but there's always something new going on with those them. So it's not like we can't." Raph smirked. "They're just so cute!" Mikey joined our gossip circle a while ago. "I suppose they are rather charming." And Master Splinter. "It kinda sucks that I have no one who likes me now." April laughed a little. She joined too. "Meow... meow purr rawwwr meow? (So... are they gonna get married?)" "Ice Cream Kitty!" Mikey laughed and hugged her, she joined with Mikey. "I guess Gossip isn't always a bad thing." Leo smiled, as another conversation of their relationship started up.

Donnie's POV

I was in need of more advice and so was Casey... so I made an invention that could bring our little self back... after destroying the original device... there was no way to bring them back... I know it's bad that we're keeping it a secret from the others but... they've been together longer then we have... so... we're gonna give it a try...

(Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun. XD)

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