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*Steve's POV*
I missed her so much. When we found her at that place and she shoved past me to go to Bucky my heart broke. She wasn't happy to see me. I never stopped thinking about her and I never stopped fighting for her. She used to understand me and be conscience of my feelings. I'm so glad she decided to stay and fight with us. I understand if she won't talk to me now, she needs time to adjust.
While Tony showed Della her room we talked about the facilities Valentín left in his wake.
"We're gonna have to start looking into them tomorrow before they get any more people," Clint argued.
"Agreed. We'll have to talk to Della tomorrow and find out if she knows any of their locations," Fury added, "She's going to be coming with us, so I suggest Natasha, make sure she's fit to fight."
"I will," she accepted.
"Are you sure she should be put into battle so quickly?," Wanda voiced her opinion.
"I do," Fury retorted.
Wanda looked grim.
"Everyone get some sleep and be prepared in the morning for battle," Fury walked out of the room.
We started to depart when Tony came back.
"What did I miss," he asked.
"We're leaving for battle in the morning," I replied.
"Sounds good, Gramps."

*Fury's POV*
"So you just let her out of the cage?"
"Councilman, she is not a threat to us anymore. She would be more of a threat in that thing!," I argued back.
"How is that possible Nick?"
"She's broken out of the Hulk cage three times. She can get out. What is the point of putting her back in that cage?"
They were silent for a bit, stunned.
"We have to put a tracker on her then. A ankle monitor perhaps?"
"I strongly disagree with you councilmen. We can trust her," I was getting tired from bickering with these people.
"And if she turns against us? What or who will stop her, Nick?"
"I will take full blame. I'm currently working on contacting someone who will be able to stop her," I held my breath.
"We will hold you to that, Nick."
They all signed out and left me to think over what I just told them. Crap.

*Della's POV*
I woke up to insistent pounding on my door. Oh the memories! I got up and threw the door open dramatically. "Yes?"
It was Natasha. "Get dressed. I'm going to assess how fit you are to start going on missions."
I blinked slowly. "Give me five minutes." I closed the door and sighed deeply before I zoomed around getting my clothes ready, and showering. I opened the door to find her still there waiting for me. She turned on her heel and strutted away towards the gym. I guess she's not in a chatty mood. I grabbed an apple before we left. If she thinks I'm gonna starve for this she has another thing coming. We entered the gym to see some people training and a few of the Avengers working out. They stopped for a second to see who entered the room. I feel like the new shiny toy all over again.
"Would you like to warm up for a few minutes?," Nat asked tightening her shoe laces.
Sure. I ran around the gym really fast for five minutes before meeting her back at the mats.
She looked at me carefully. "Done already?"
I grinned. "Yup."
She gave me a look that said if I talked anymore she was gonna beat my ass.
"No super powers allowed," she stated. I nodded. She got in a fighting stance, and so did I. We circled each other waiting for one of us to throw a punch. All eyes were on us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky standing there. I smiled, he was wearing the clothes I stole for him. Natasha threw a punch towards my face but I dodged it and threw a quick punch to her gut, she was able to back up in time to dodge it. We tangoed around each other again, once I got closer I threw a punch to her gut, she dodged it again but I threw a punch to her shoulder surprising her. She smirked and I smiled. Obviously this was the warm up because then she ran at me at full force. She threw her leg up to kick me but I grabbed her ankle and threw her on her back.
"What they showed us at that hell hole," I talked while dodging a few punches and throwing some. "Was videos of Black Widow's fight moves incase we were ever to encounter her." She landed a punch to my gut, I backed up and dove at her and decked her inner leg. She grunted and tried to throw a punch to my shoulder when she collapsed. "You use your legs a lot in battle. So we focused on puncture points and ways to disable you." She fell to the floor, her eyes wide and scared. "We learned a lot about pressure points and the way all of you fight. Don't worry this is only temporary. Should we wait or am I done here?"
She managed to sit up by her palms and looked at me with the look of a killer. I am so dead.
"We're done here. You passed."
I whooped and turned to see Bucky astonished. He started clapping and I could see uncertainty in his eyes. I went over to Fury.
"When do we start?," I asked feeling pumped.
He paused a bit. "As soon as you give us the coordinates to the first place that psycho-bastard made in his wake."
"Then let me go pack my gear."
"What for?"
"It's in the bottom of South America. In Chile."

Valentín took me into his office one day and told me incase of an emergency we would relocate farther down South America. In Chile. He said he had it ready to go and he was already training people down there. He also bragged to me about other locations he set up incase that one was overrunned. Stupid decision on his part.

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