Save The Last Dance

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(Unedited )

Mystic Falls High

They had a plan. Well, part of a plan. More like 12% of one, but it was better than nothing.

What was it exactly?

Kill Klaus.


Yes and no, for the simple fact none of them had a clue as to what he looked like. Damon stood by idly watching the teenager dance, wishing he was anywhere but the stupid decade dance. A bubbly girl bounces her way on stage taking hold of the mic.

"Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight."

His attention, as well as Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, and Jeremys, was grasped the 5 all standing by the front of the stage.

"This is for Elena. From Klaus." Dana announced all smiles.

Elena stood stunned while Damon rolled his eyes.

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us." He spoke in a dry tone as if he were bored and ready to go.

Truth be told he was only there for Evangeline. Damon wanted to keep an eye on his original. While everyone's focus was Klaus, his was her. He was determined to get her humanity back on and had a plan of his own to do so.

"I know everyone here," the doppelgänger said trying her best to be discrete as she looked around.
"Maybe he's not here." Mumbled Stefan optimistically. "Just wants us to believe that he is."

"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us." Damon suggested.

With everyone in agreement, the clique dispersed and Damon, spotting Alaric, went to speak with his friend.

" Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Alaric bated.
"I'm not impressed." He shrugged.
"Not even a little bit."

A pregnant pause filled the air before Alaric sparked up conversation once more. He noticed Damon staring at his sister and decided to stir up trouble.

"Ah, Evangeline is here. Dressed extremely inappropriately for a teacher might I add."

The only response Damon gave was a 'hmm' sound as he continued to observe her and how she moved effortlessly through the crowd. The white halter with choker and tye die skirt was about 3 inches above the knee all hugged her body perfectly. Instead of platform hills she wore white strapped heels that came her calf. She looked damn good. He knew he had to go to her.

"Let me know if you see anything out of wack." Damon made a move in her direction.
"Is that such a good idea? I mean, you broke her heart you know."

Alaric's fist clenched, trying to keep himself in check while Damon became defensive.

"You think I wanted to? I did what I needed to for my brother-"
"Yeah, we do anything for family." Though it sounded rather sarcastic it, Alaric agreed with his own statement.
"Yeah well I wish I didn't." Damon snapped.
"What?" That caught him off guard.
"Look at her. I want to blame Klaus. I want to blame him for taking advantage of her fragile state. I want to say he convinced her to turn it off. But I created this monster. I turned her into everything she despised about herself. Because she wouldn't have been with this brother, had I not taken away the other."

A far away look in his eye, Damon was finally understand what Stefan had been telling him about himself for years. Everything good, he destroys.

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