Chapter Twenty Six

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Masked_Quill (Thanks for the super sweet message omg)

Word Count: 2013


The next morning, I woke in my own bed. A delicious tenderness between my legs reminding me of what I committed to last night.

Twisting over in my bed sheets, I stretch out. Kaden must have carried me back here last night, so Coen wouldn't get suspicious when he came to collect me for breakfast.

The thought of Coen, and what my plan is, instantly kills my elated mood.

Sliding from the bed, I quickly gather some clothes and shower. Although Coen is no Alpha, I am still worried he might catch onto Kaden's scent on me. So once I dress, I spray on some perfume, and pray it masks the scent the best it can.

I was brushing out my hair, when a knock came from my door. Coen waltzes in without even waiting for me to summon him. Good. This is a sign that he is getting comfortable with me.

Not long ago, he wouldn't even walk past the threshold to my room. Now, he strolls in like he owns the place. Things have definitely changed.

I have to admit, he doesn't look too bad. Warrior clothes, by the looks of it. Dark and dangerous looking, like he's about to walk straight into a war.

"Good morning beautiful," he commented, a half smile forming on his face. I try my best not to vomit in my mouth.

"Here to escort me to breakfast?" I question, trying to keep the air light and friendly, rather than dark and sultry. I'm not sure how I could deal with it if he came onto me now. Not with Kaden still prominent in my mind.

At breakfast, I sat in front of Kace, and stared straight at him while he ate his cereal. He didn't catch my eye, and I have a feeling Kaden told him that I know we are mates.

I know I'm to continue our marriage until Kaden finds his parents, but I would like to know who's side Kace is on. Kaden's, or Coen's?

"I need a favour," I say pointedly. Coen lifts his head from the corner of the room to look, unlike Kace. Kace just stares at the milk swirling around his spoon.

"What kind of favour?" He inquired.

"I want you to take me to the Vengeance Pack city," I propose.

Kace looks up, his dark eyes meeting mine. They flicker with some sort of emotion; fear, Maybe?

"I don't think so," he immediately admonished. He picks up the newspaper in front of him, like he's sealing the conversation shut right there. I pull the edge of the paper back down to the table.

"Why not?"

He sighs deeply, running a hand down his face.

"It's not safe down there. Very bad people reside in that city," he tells me pointedly. Not being able to help it, I roll my eyes. Does everyone here think I am unable to look after myself?

"That's why I'm asking you to take me. As your fiancée, I feel as though you should start looking after me more," I say, a smile creeping onto my face.

Kace narrows his eyes at me, seeing the challenge I have laid upon the table in front of us.

"Fine. I'll take you to the city, and show you exactly how bad Kaden is," he states.

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