Chapter 4: Don't trust Shadow Knights

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I think this is bad I already lost count of the chapters...
Well here are some tips!
(Y/n) Your name
(F/n) Fake name (needed)
(L/n) Last name (optional)
(N/n) Nick name
(H/c) Hair color(s)
(E/c) Eye color(s) (you can have two different eye colors)
(F/c) Fave color
(S/f/c) Second fave color
(F/F) fave flower
(W/c) Weapon choice ( doesn't have to be a sword unless you want to use a sword)
(B/n) Brother's name
(V/n) Village name
(B/g/n) Baby girl's name
More will be added later on if needed!
(Y/n)'s POV
It was in the morning and I was just walking around until heard weird noises.
"Who's there?!" I asked then I heard someone laugh "Grr.." I started to growl at the sounds
"So the Shadow Lord was right about your powers!" A voice from my left said
"Come out or I will come get you."
"..." The person kept quiet
"Then look behind you sweetie." A voice said "Because I see a sight that is horrible."
I turned around to see a little bit away Yip and Leona kissing
"What!!!" I yelled
"See he doesn't love you, he just is using you, but if you come with me I will make sure no one hurts your heart."
I felt my heart break into a million pieces and piece by piece they fell into a black hole...
"Fine, lead the way." I said and a man with red and black armor came out
"Follow me then." We started for something.
Soon we were at a portal and we walked in, he lead me to a room and there was a bed.
"I will be back." He kissed my cheek and left
'I really thought I loved Yip, but I guess he doesn't love me.' I thought
I started to sing as I didn't know what to do

"That was beautiful." I looked to see the man again "Oh my name is Gene."
"I am (F/n)." I lied as I didn't trust this man
"Well would you like to walk around the place?" Gene asked
"Sure." I said and we walked around and I found out this was the nether and Gene was Shadow Knight. Gene was really nice when you get to know him and he is really good at flirting, yeah he flirted with me for a bit.
'Irene is this where I was suppose to be? Cause this place is actually nice!' I thought
"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?" Gene asked
"Can't remember." I said
"Thai place is actually nice, I don't see why people hate it." I said
"Probably because Shadow Knights are here and that there is fire everywhere and monsters like ghasts." Gene said
"Maybe, but I like it here!" I said
"At least you do." Gene said and we were in front of the door of where my room is.
"Thanks for showing me around it was nice." I kissed his cheek and walked into the room where I closed the door

Yip's POV
We have looked everywhere and can't find (Y/n)!! I am worried Gene got to her!
"Let's look for a portal." Aphmau said
"Yeah." I said and we started looking around until I smelled (Y/n)'s scent!
"Guys this way!" I said and ran towards her scent until I was in front of a nether portal. "Oh no."
"This is bad." Zoey said
"It's get (Y/n) or leave her." Garroth said
"We can't leave her in there with Gene!" I yelled
"Then we go in." Aphmau said and we walked threw the portal to see the horrible nether, so we started to walk to the castle and no Shadow Knights were there as they were training.
I smelt for (Y/n) and she was at a room, but what got me was she kissed Gene's cheek.
'Did she fool us?!' I thought
Luckily I was the only one who saw that.
Gene walked away and I walked to the door
"We will keep watch." Aphmau said and I nodded
I opened the door slowly and saw (Y/n), she was crying.
I closed the door quietly and walked over to her
"Yip?!" She asked
"Why are you here?!" I asked
"Because of you, you liar!" She yelled
"What?" I asked
"You said you loved me, but I saw you kissing Leona!" She said and looked away
"I never did that!" I said
"Then what did I see?!" She asked
"I don't know."
"Your lying!"
"Does this mean I am lying?" I kissed her. She didn't kiss back for a while, but then she did.
"Gene must of tricked me then." She said
"Don't worry, now let's go." I picked her up bridal style and walked out of the door. We all headed for the portal and walked into it. I then heard soft snores and looked to see (Y/n) asleep.
I walked to he-- our house and opened the door, then I walked in and closed the door. I put (Y/n) on the couch and I walked to (B/g/n)'s crib and checked to see her asleep. I then went downstairs and picked up (Y/n) once again and walked to her room where I laid her on the bed and put the blankets over her.
I kissed her cheek and walked to my room where I laid on the bed and let darkness consume me.
(Y/n)'s POV
I woke up from (B/g/n) crying so I got up and walked to her crib where I picked her up and I walked downstairs and got some milk(you need some milk!) out of the fridge(yeah they got fridges)! She then grabbed the bottle and started to drink the milk and I swayed side to side
When she was done I grabbed the bottle and put it in the fridge (people take notes! This will help if u ever have a kid!) I then held her with her small body against my shoulder and her face opposite of mine and gently patted her back. She then burped and after a few minutes she burped once more and I held her bridal style again and started for the stairs.
I walked up the stairs and into my room and put (B/g/n) in her crib. I went back into bed and fell asleep again.
I slowly woke up to someone next to me and I looked to see Yip.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Morning." I said as I put my head in his chest.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. We stayed like that for a while until someone knocked on the door.
"I got it." Yip left and I got changed and checked on (B/g/n) to see her awake.
"Come on, let's see who is at the door!" I said and picked her up, then walked downstairs to see Leona, UGH!
"So my Mom wanted to check on (B/g/n) since she is part wolf, part fox." Leona said
"It is up to (Y/n)." Yip said and he looked at me
"Okay! So go to the barn in Phoenix Drop in about a hour!" And Leona ran off.
Yip closed the door and walks to the kitchen
"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked
"Ha, do you even know how to cook?"
"Kinda!" Yip said
"Alright then, hmm anything you want!"
"I asked you not myself."
"Then PANCAKES!!!!(change it if u don't like pancakes)!!!!"
"Okay." And he started cooking!
I sat on the couch as I held (B/g/n), I looked at her and smiled.
After a while Yip finished cooking and we ate, then we started for the portal.
We walked in the portal and then walked to the barn.
Kiki was feeding the animals.
After she was done and looked at us
"Hello! Okay now just follow me!" We followed her to the back and I put (B/g/n) on a small table with blankets.
"It will only take about 10-15 minutes."
"Okay." Yip said and Kiki started to check on her.
After her check up Kiki said
"She is good, nothing is wrong with her and she is healthy."
"Good." I said and Kiki handed her to me.
We walked home and Yip held us close!
I smiled and opened the door where I saw Lello and Rollo looking at us eagerly
"How did you two get in?" I asked
"The door duh." Rollo said
"You stinkers." Yip said
"We don't stink!" Lello said
"But I can smell you both from here!" I said
"WHAT?!" They yelled
"Same." Yip said
Lello then smelled Rollo
"You do smell." Lello said
Rollo then smelled Lello
"How do I smell and you don't?!" Rollo asked
"You were playing in the mud earlier." Lello said
"Well whatever now we have a question!!" Rollo said
"Yes?" I asked
"Are you two gonna get married? And will (Y/n) be our Aunt?!" Lello asked
I felt heat rush up my face and I saw Yip's face a deep red
"Umm..." I said and looked at Yip
"Uh boys I think that is for another time." Yip said
"Alright well see you later!" Rollo said and they left and I closed the door
"That was interesting." I said
"Yeah." Yip said as he walked up the stairs and probably put (B/g/n) in her crib
He walked down stairs and we sat on the couch and I laid my head on his shoulder, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me on his lap.
"Love you." I said
"Love you too." Yip said and he kissed my forehead.
We stayed that for a while until Yip said
"I know this might sound a bit cheesy or not, but I want to spend my whole life with you. I love you so much it isn't even close to funny and I would die for you." Those words made my heart feel like it was in heaven!
"Yip that isn't cheesy one bit to me, it just tells me how much more I could love you and how much you love and care about me." I said as I moved my tail side to side slowly "And I won't take you for granted ever again."
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yip it was, I fell for Gene's trick." I said
"Yeah, but you didn't know he would do that, no one did." Yip said
"I guess." Yip started to stroke my hair and I put my hand on his chest. He chuckled at said
"Your so cute." I giggled.
I slowly let darkness consume me.
I woke up in my bed with Yip checking (B/g/n) as she was crying
"Oh no." I said
"What?" Yip asked
"We ran out of milk." I said(when a baby is born don't feed it milk! You kind- actually I will let your parents tell you what to do. Actually I will be writing it in a second)
"Oh." Yip said
"There is only one other way..." I felt so uncomfortable!!!
"I guess you have to do it that way."
"Yup." I said and Yip handed her to me "Umm.." I wasn't sure if I should let Yip see me
"I can go." Yip said
"If you want." Yip then walked out of the room and I lifted my shirt and this was so weird!!!!!
I am serious this made me uncomfortable but I am doing it anyway!
I moved her closer and she she started to suck. (This is so uncomfortable just writing this!! I am laughing at this also I am scared!!! HALP ME! I can't believe I have came to this!*dies*)
Once she was done I put my shirt down, then I realized I didn't have my bra on.
'Wait did Yip take my bra off?!' I thought
Yip then opened the door and peeked in
"She is done." I said and he walked in "Did you by any chance take my bra off?" He then blushed a light pink
"I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." I feel like uncomfortable has been used to much tonight...
"Okay." I said and I handed Yip to (B/g/n) and he patted her back where she burped and it was actually loud
"Wow." Yip said and I giggled
Yip put her in her crib again and then laid on the bed.
"Night love." He said
"Night." I said and he wrapped his arms around me.

Most uncomfortable chapter ever!!!!!! well hope you liked the chapter and sorry if I haven't posted in a while I am still thinking on a schedule.
But for now peace and love✌️💙baiii!!!

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