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i woke up on my bed and i was in daniel's arms. he looked like an angel sleeping. my sweet little angel.

he was knocked out so i took a chance. i softly and slowly rolled up his sleeve only a little. i looked at his wrist.

one single drop fell onto it. and it was mine. so many dried cuts and scabbed lines across his wrist.

i rolled it back down and got out of bed. i went downstairs and cried for half an hour in the small bathroom.

i finally got out and started making breakfast. i took out the pancake batter some eggs, and some ham and cheese.

i mixed the batter and made 6 medium pancakes. it smelled dumb good lemme tell you. i cracked the eggs in a bowl when i heard footsteps.

i soon felt hands wrap around my waist. his head on the crook of my neck. he kissed my cheek. "go sit down." i said pecking his lips.

the scrabbled eggs, ham and cheese were done and placed on the table. i took three pancakes and set them on daniel's plate.

he smiled "thank you beautiful."

"anytime baby." i replied placing the syrup and juice on the table.

i sat down and started eating. i poured some syrup on my pancakes. then cut a piece of my pancake and put it inside my mouth. i looked at daniel.

his pancakes were drenched in syrup. i laughed a little when he got some all over his lips and chin. he licked it off while smiling.

he's always smiling. no matter the situation. as if everything was okay. but in reality, he's not okay.

"d-danny...so yesterday when you were going to devins house, i tripped over this jordan box and...so i opened it, and...." i said as i stopped eating and looked down.

i looked up at him and his eyes were wide. he looked very nervous.

"and i saw this ring box..." i said.

he suddenly got up from his chair, leaving his breakfast and went upstairs.

i stuffed my whole mouth with pancakes and eggs and ran upstairs before he can do anything.

"DANIEL!" i yelled running up the stairs, tripping.

he was sitting on his bed with his head down. he was staring at the box disappointed. i sat down next to him.

"baby...." i started saying before i got cut off by him sobbing lowly.

"baby.....please don't cry, it makes me sad." i said hugging him and wiping away his tears.

"everything....i-i do hurts you, it
m-makes you sad, i hate hurting my baby." he stuttered while sobbing on my chest.

"babe...everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay, i said i forgive you." i looked at him. "i feel like it's my fault you're doing all this."

"im s-sorry..." his voice cracked.

"i forgive you baby okay? i forgive you. because...i love you." i said rubbing his lil big head <3

"i love you too babygirl, im sorry for everything i did, im sorry for everytime i hurt you, im sorry for being stupid." he mumbled.

i laid down while his head still on my chest. i just rubbed it.

"dan..." i lifted us up. "come." i grabbed his hand and the jordan box.

we went into his bathroom. i pulled him down and we sat on the floor in front of the toilet.

i opened the box. looked at the blade which was my baby's enemy. i wanted it gone.

i took it and placed it onto daniels palm. "flush it." i said sternly.

he looked at it and looked at me. i looked at him like a mom looks at her child when they've done something wrong. he looked like a sad puppy.

he threw it into the toilet bowl and pulled the handle down. it flushed. it was gone.

"promise me, that you won't ever, EVER cut yourself again." i said sticking my pinky out.

he looked at the toilet bowl and then at me. "i promise." we locked pinkies. i smiled and attacked him with a heart felt hug.

"i love you so much, and i am very...very proud." i said kissing his cheek.

"i love you more." he replied with a huge teethless smile.

"impossible." i said smiling.

"very possible." he said kissing my lips with a passion.

*ding dong*


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