SHOCKED To See Me? (Chptr.6)

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"Ma'am I'm afraid that we can't do anything anymore, although that she has 50% survival, we can only hope." The doctor said sadly "Isn't there any other way?" My mom pleaded "I'm sorry, As I said the only chance is 50%." He states "So there's nothing we could do but hope?" I asked, he nodded and told us to come tomorrow for a check-up. "Sweetie, don't be sad." Mom tried to cheer me up "How can I be NOT sad if I have approximately 2-3 months left?!" I yelled, I feel bad to see her teary, shocked face. There's nothing I could do but..... Wait.

~At your home~

Sitting on my chair I could only think of what Jay would say, I had been texting him last week about my feelings and he said the same thing too, we went on our first date, I get the chance to meet his friend, I watched him train, I would treat his wounds every time he chooses to pick a fight. I could feel all of that vanishing in an instant, "Y/N! Y/N!" My mom yells from downstairs. I ran down the stairs to see Jay there with a wrapped package, "I have to go sweetie." My mom said kissing me in the cheek and leaving me and Jay alone in my home.

"Why are you here?" I asked "I wanted to give this to you." He said giving me a wrapped parcel, "How thoughtful of you." I said, I ripped the wrapping and open the box and saw a rock, "You're kidding me, right?" I said "No, because our love can't be easily broken just like a rock and Its as sweet as this." He said giving me a small package, Opening it I saw cookies shaped into hearts, each one has Individual letters on it.

Placing each cookie on a table I saw: 'Y/N, Thank you.', it brought me into tears to see his blushing face like the time I invited him to the prom. "You're welcome." I said. 'I have to tell him somehow...'

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