Chapter Seventeen

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"I only get rough when you want me to."  

"Today we are going to be practicing how to use somebody's body against themselves in combat." Coach Clarkson instructed as he stood in front of us.

"Like what Mr.Peters was telling us about?" A girl asked.

"Precisely, James. If you can use somebody against their own self, you will have in an advantage in combat. Let's get down to business, kids." He said, followed by a loud blow of his whistle that dangled around his neck.

"First up... Ford and Saunders."

Logan, who was sitting next to me, stood up with a groan. I had learned that Logan didn't like Reagan and she hated Sierra or anybody associated with her. I couldn't blame her, I understood her reasoning behind it.

I also learned that she liked to be challenged. She didn't like to feel subordinate in any way possible and I admired her for that. Logan had an unusual power that would be taken lightly if not for her fiery personality and her agility, but she was a deadly opponent during combat. I learned that from my first time sparring with her that she was quite the opposer.

"This is going to be interesting." I heard Logan mutter before she walked into the arena.

Reagan followed behind her, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder.

"She's right. This is going to be interesting." Taylor whispered to me.

Logan and Reagan were standing in the center of the arena. In the next second, Coach blew his whistle and Logan threw a few punches to her face, which made Reagan stumble back. Landing a brutal kick to her stomach, Reagan tried to stay standing up, but Logan clutched her arm and painfully twisted it into an awkward position. Without a moment's notice, Reagan was collapsing to her knees.

"Saunders! What the hell was that? You could have had her if you would have used your powers! Forgot you had those?"Coach bellowed.

"Ford, good job but let's work on finding that weakness next time." He told Logan and she nodded.

Making her way out of the arena she took her seat by me again. I turned my head and saw that Jonathan was on her other side.

I heard him to tell her, "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"I wouldn't want you to end up on my bad side."

He smiled at her and made his lips touch her cheek quickly. Her cheeks turned slightly pink at the small action.

"Next up... Anderson and Santiago."

A wave of confusion hit me as I saw Taylor and Dex walking together in the arena.

"What's happening?" I asked Logan.

"Coach sometimes wants to see certain people go against each other. Doesn't matter if it's a boy and a girl, he wants to see what he needs to work on with us. If things get out of control, he blows the whistle, don't worry about it. Besides, Dex can't hurt Taylor even if he tried."

They were standing in the middle of the arena when Coach blew his whistle.

Dex was the first to make his move when he tried to grasp her arm but Taylor swiftly moved away. He tried the same method again to the left side but Taylor saw it coming and moved to her right. Dex's movement became brisk and he tried to clutch Taylor in his fingers.

In the blink of an eye, Taylor grabbed his arm and used it to propel herself over his head so she was standing behind him with an arm tightly draped around his neck. Pulling him towards the ground,she rapidly stepped aside and pounced on him, her legs on each side of him and his hands pinned to the ground.

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