When in Rome Part 26

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That evening, Paul and Richard settled at their usual table, overlooked by their Sanguine-provided poster of Smaug. Olli served them, stoic and shyly silent as usual, seemingly unaffected by that which had happened in the alleyway outside, yet his smiles were easier now, and his respect shone anew in his eyes. Richard and Paul both observed how the other supernaturals now treated the new Omega, with a new-found respect and deference that they hadn't had before. That the other supernaturals knew just who Olli belonged to was also obvious, for more than once they looked from the Omega to Richard and Paul at their table, and nodded, blank-faced and careful, as though fearful of perhaps inadvertently disrespecting Alpha and Beta both.

"I think they can smell dragon on him," Paul observed, with some amusement, after ten minutes of such behaviour.

"Maybe," Richard said, with a nod. "It is a pleasant smell, though, Paul."

"To us, it is," Paul laughed. "But to a vampire, or a werewolf, we might smell quite rank."

"Maybe," Richard said, slowly, before he frowned as though he found the prospect quite insulting.

"If it's any consolation, I don't like the smell of werewolf," Paul pointed out, with a vague smirk. "Too much like wet and dirty dog."

Richard, at least, laughed at that, laughter only interrupted by the arrival of Olli at their table, both hands burdened with a heavily laden tray. Olli smiled, nodded at them and gave them a plate each, piled high with two burgers apiece, and a double serving of chips.

"This looks lovely; thanks, Olli," Richard said, even as the Omega nodded and murmured something about Paulaner.

Richard and Paul nodded, before the Alpha tore hungily into the first of his burgers.

"I'm so hungry," Richard said, as he riped another huge mouthful from his burger appreciatively.

"You're always hungry," Paul observed, with some amusement, even as he ripped into his own burger.

"Says the baby Beta with the constantly empty tummy," Richard said, batting his eyelashes at Paul in a ridiculous manner.

"Not so much of the baby, Reesh," Paul snorted. "I might be small in stature but height's the only thing I'm lacking in."

"Hmm-hmm," Richard agreed, smugly, from around another mouthful of burger.

Paul merely grinned at him and said no more, before his attentions were diverted by Olli, who had returned carrying the drinks. Paul was glad to note that the Omega had brought two bottles of Paulaner for them to drink.

"Thanks for what you did out there," the Omega said, as he gestured towards the alleyway vaguely. "You didn't have to do that."

"Do what? Kill that guy? Yes, we did," Richard said, immediately. "That arse-hole could have killed you the other day and we know he was determined to take more of us out. We were doing everyone here a favour, as much as we were protecting our own."

"I suppose," Olli said, with a nod. "But it still means a lot to me that you protected me."

"You're our Omega," Paul pointed out, not unkindly. "We provide protection to those who are in our flight. It's what we expect in turn from you."

Olli merely nodded, and for a moment, it looked as though he was about to apologise for something. Richard sighed and waved that apology away.

"We know it's been hard for you to adjust to all of this shit, but we did what we had to do to save you. We did it again tonight and we'll continue doing it in the future. You're our friend first and foremost, and our Omega after that. It's just good that you're finally coming to terms with it," the Alpha said, but he followed up his words with a smile.

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