Chapter 1

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Great. Just another place to start over. I've been moving a lot lately and I don't make friends whenever we move. We as in my mom and I.

I'm too dangerous as some chick said. Her son broke his neck while play fighting with me big deal , I didn't do it . I'm not a body guard , I'm a underground fighter. After all he was the one saying he's gonna do a back flip and kick at me. I rolled my eyes at this thought.

"Kira. Get your bags and get out the car." My mom said causing me to roll my eyes once more. I kept rooted in my seat not moving. I hated that I had to move every 3 months. It was torment. I  huffed slumping in the car even further than how I was before.

"Kira. Don't let me get you out myself." She said coming to the passenger side of the car.

"Mom , I didn't agree to this and I don't wanna move." I said pouting. "Awee.." She said opening my side of the car. She proper her hands upon her hips and for a second I thought she was being thoughtful but when is she ever.

"Too bad." She said pulling me out. "Besides we're already here so." She trailed off saying. I groaned in annoyance getting my bags and ran inside the house in.

The moving truck later came with our furniture and I was relieved for I missed my motorcycle." About time." I said to the guy giving him a glare.

"Be nice." My mom said wacking me upside the head. I smiled at her before hugging her. I love my mom.

She's the only person I could trust and also the only person I have or even carry love for. She's beautiful, caring and loving , I don't see why anyone would want to harm her but yet they did.

Anywho.... I didn't introduce myself. I'm Kira Lorenzo, I'm a street fighter, I'm 17 and I'm not a softy when it comes to people. People disgust me. Especially bullies. I hate hate hate them all.

It started with a drunken man. My father.

Every night he would come home drunk repeatedly beating us. Us as in my mom , me and my brother. My mother would hide me so he wouldn't abuse me too.

My bother would stand by my mothers side taking the beaten as well. My brother would receive most of the beating though because he always tried to fight him off ,so that he wouldn't abuse mom.

After my brother died , he had blamed my mother for his death. He began abusing her regularly. He will normally try to break her arm or a leg or something that will make her feels severe pain. It was awful. He would normally asked her for me but she kept me hidden and refused to let him even go near me.

He came home one night beating her. When my mom tried hiding me he became furious. He started throwing and that's where things got messy. I had enough. Enough of him laying a hand on her. She didn't deserve this. Nobody deserves this and even killing his own son and blaming another. I couldn't hold on any longer.

I knocked my dad out with a frying pan. My mom and I grabbed some money and made a run for it. The beating wasn't the worst part you see I had a brother, a brother who loved me.

His name was Brandon. He was older than me. He taught me how to box but dad ended his life at 18.

He killed him. It was my mother and I left. We moved around a lot because the first location we were staying at he found us and almost bombed the house we were staying at but we managed to get away. We've been on the run ever since so we move every 3 months so he wouldn't find out. 

I joined street fighting at the age of 12. I won all my matches. I was the best in the business and my name was limitless.

They all knew me as Limitless. They know I'm a girl but they don't know who Kira Lorenzo is.

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