Chapter 9

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Autumns POV
My parents finally wake up, and come inside. I had left them outside. "Are you sure you fit to raise a kid?" I ask, when they come in.

"We're more then capable." Mom said.

"Ok. I guess I'll just be a kid then. Since you can handle me." I throw down a smoke bomb, which I had hidden in my hand.

"Autumn! Get over here right now!" I hear dad yell. I sneak behind him.

"Yes father?" This made him jump. "Don't make me take you back to the adoption center." I put my hands behind my back.

"I liked my life there." I said. Very sweet, but venom laced my words. Then I tilt my head down, just enough to look very creepy. "You will never be like my adoption center. You will feel pain, until you bring me back." I used my hidden hand, to drop another smoke bomb, and go to my room.

I laugh under my breath, as I listen in on what there saying. "I don't believe that hocus pocus bullshit. She's a normal kid. Kid! She can't hurt us." This pissed me off. I got my BB gun, and snuck downstairs. I threw a bomb and shot my dads hand, and my moms.

I snuck up behind them, and said, "I am a kid. But kids are the devil in disguise. And I am not a normal kid. I'm your worst nightmare. And I can hurt you." I do an evil laugh I learned from Shey. And as the smoke clears, I make my get-a-way.

"Oh hell to the no she's not staying. She's just a wrong child for us." My mom said.

"Ok fine. Such a wimp." Dad said. I shot his hand twice more, and his back.

"She's not a wimp. She's smart." I said, loud so he can hear, while I was hidden on the stairs. She nod her head.

"Autumn! Let's go we're going back to the adoption center!" I ran upstairs quietly. Then walked down like I didn't do anything.

"What mom?" I ask.

"Pack up, let's go." She told me.

"But why?"

"NOW!" She yelled. Her voice full of anger and fear, that made me jump. I looked down as I go upstairs to pack, but once I'm out of there view, a huge smile spreads across my face, and I dart for my phone.

I never took anything out of my bag, so I was already packed.

Guess whose going to the adoption center!!

Shey💖😈- how'd ya do it?!

Just scared em a bit. Avrie was still better though. I'll tell ya the details when y'all pick me up.

Avrie💩😈- Were on our way!

Shey💖😈- can't wait to see ya babe!

Can't wait to see you guys either! Buh bye!

Shey💖😈- Stay awesome

Avrie💩😈- I will see all you dudes, LATER!!!!✊🏻✊🏻

I laughed at Avrie's last text, packed my phone and ran downstairs. Dad grabbed my wrist, and ran to the car.

He threw me in the back seat, and raced down the road. I didn't even have time to buckle, and I was being thrown around by the sharp turns he was taking.

I was thrown into the back of the chair, as he made a quick stop into the parking lot. "Get out." He said. Firm, yet still scared. I jumped out, and tried not to barf. He grabbed my arm, as I was still trying to get my balance, and he yanked me into the center.

"I'm taking her back." He threw me down.

"Uh ok. You need to si-" he was cut off by the door slamming, and the tires screeching against the road. My ex-dad was long gone. I turned to the guy at the desk.

"Burn my adoption papers, that never happened." I said. He nod his head, and went to the file cabinet.

I watched him pull out some papers, and grab something from a drawer, and head into the "staff only" room.

He came out with some black stuff in his hand, and he threw it away. I guess I was never adopted. I pulled out my phone, and text the girls.

Hey! I'm at the adoption center!

Shey💖😈- Ok. We're about 5 minutes away. Hold tight, and stay out of view!


Avrie💩😈- Ain't to hoe gonna adopt you except us.

Got it. See ya in a few! Stay awesome! 👊🏼

Shey💖😈- I will see all you dudes, LATER!!✊🏾

Avrie💩😈- Buh bye!👋🏻

I went up to the counter. "Unless you see someone with green or red hair, I am not here. Understood?" I said firmly to the guy at the counter.

He nod his head, and picked up the phone. I heard him say something about Mac and cheese, and broccoli for dinner, as I walked away.

I went upstairs, and played on my phone. A few minutes later, the guy came upstairs, and made a bee line for me.

"Ya?" I ask.

"Some guy with green hair wants you." The clerk told me.

"What's his name?"

"He went by, uh, Jack, septic, guy. I think."

"Ok! Thanks so much." I grabbed my stuff, and ran downstairs. I was attacked by Avrie and Shey, and we hugged.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said.

"We missed you to." Shey said. Once we pulled back, I looked over at Jack, who was smiling at us. We got on his knee, and opened his arms. I ran to him, and hugged him.

"It's ok. I got ya." He said. I smiled.

"Hey. Get this. In the little while you were gone, me and Mark became official boyfriends."

"I shipped it all along." He smiled at this.

"Ok girls. Get in the car. We're heading home." Jack said.

"Yay!" We all said at once. I turned to the guy at the counter.

"I'm not coming back this time. Thanks for burning the other papers as well." I tell him.

"What other papers?" He smiled.

"Thanks. Bye!" I waved and ran after Jack.

"Bye!" I heard him yell behind me. I jumped in the car, and quickly buckled in.

"Where's Mark?" I asked.

"Waiting at home. Probably with a shot gun from what I brought home last time." Jack said, starting the engine.

I looked over at Avrie, who was laughing. "He didn't know about Avrie's costume did he?"

"Nope!" Shey said while laughing. We made it home, and I didn't see Mark. "You're not freaky! Are ya Autumn?" I heard.

"No! I'm not Avrie creepy. I won't scare ya." He came out from behind the wall.

"I'm not scared!" He pout. I ran to him with my arms open. And he opened his arms, and I ran into them.

And I finally said, "I'm so glad to be home."

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