BAD BOYS(1D fanfic)-Collage Acceptions-

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Chapter 18

Hillary's P.O.V

I woke up the day after the prom it was amazing but its sad cause its almost the end of the school year and then we all graduate and go our sepreat ways off to different college's I'm planing on moving to LA with Amaya since she was gonna be 18 already I just don't know how to tell Harry and I'm sure Liam won't like it nether wen Amaya tells him......I then heard the door bell ring I ran out of my room and down the stairs and opened the door it was Amaya with a huge smile on her face she held up to envelopes one with my name and one with her's "Its from the college's that we applied for.!"Amaya said super happy I let her in and I took my envelope "Okay on the count of 3 we both open it"I said "okay"Amaya said "1......2....."We both said "3.!"We opened them at the same time "I got accepted"I said "So did I"She said I had a huge smile on my face but it quickly faded once I thought of Harry again "What's wrong"Amaya asjed emidetly once my smile faded "Uhm it's just I don't know how to tell Harry"I said "I understand I don't know how I'm gonna tell Liam"Amaya said with a frown "Good morning girls you both look sad did u guys get accepted"My mom asked "Yeah we did we are just uhm bumed that uh"Amaya cutted me off "That we will be leave to LA pretty soon"Amaya said "Oh yeah I'm going to miss you two crazy young girls but that the story of life one way or another your going to soob go your own way"My mom said "Yep the story of my life"I said under my breath and ran up to my room "uhm I'm gunna go with Hillary to her room"Amaya said "Okay"My mom said Amaya then came up to my room "uhm how about we both tell them together"Amaya suggested "Okay I guess"I said I then grabbed my phone and texted Harry

(Messaging begins)


Hey uhm...Are you buissy later.?


No wanna hang out.?


Yeah I need to talk to you


Okay now I'm scared but were do. you wanna meet up at.?


The park.?



(End of messaging)

"Okay now you text Liam we are meeting up at the park"I said "Okay"Amaya said then pulled her fone outta her pocket

Amaya's P.O.V

I was a little scard because Liam gots quite a temper

(Messaging Begins)


Hey wanna meet up at the Park.?




Okay I'll seen you in a bit


Okay uhm is everything okay


Uhm yeah


Okay see you there:/

(End of messaging)

I was already ready I was wearing a black and white stripped long sleeve shirt with my tight black jeans and my black conver snd a white little france hat Hillary got dressed in the bathroom and she came out wearing a Superman shirt and her solid blue skinny jeans and then slipped on her blue TOMS we then went down the stairs and told her mom we where goin to meet up with friends in the park we then left walking to the park

We finally got there and see both the boys talking and laughing we then walked up to them Harry tryed giving Hillary a kiss but she push him back "By the time I'm done tell you whats happening your not gonna want to kiss me"She said "What are you talking about"He said "Uhm me and Hillary are uhm......MOVING TO LA.!"I said really fast "WHAT.!?"They both said "Amaya stop playing games your really moving all the way over there.?"Liam asked "Yeah but I ha-"Liam cut me off "It must really matter more then us huh you know what forget about me forget that there was ever an us"Liam said then walked away I tried to hold back my tears but if that's how he wants it then I guess thats how he is gunna get it "Hillary why are you moving"Harry asked "Cause I'm going to school over there and I got accepted and its to late to change cause I applied along time ago"Hillary said "And you didn't manage to tell me"Harry said and walked away catching up with Liam "So I guess we are going single to college"I said trying to make here laugh but it didn't even make me laugh or her we walk to Starbucks and brought us coffee we sat there just sipping away it was a silent moment I looked out side and seen all the boys back in leather walking in there group again my phone buzzed crazy I got messages from Brianna,Caitlin,And Alesha they were rude really rude calling us a bitch an hoes and whores wtf is going on I looked outside the window again and seen that the girls were with them wow.!That's scanless "That is so fake"Hillary said "Agreed"I said.....



WOW.! I hopes you liked it and continue reading only 2 more chappies left......And this will be the shortest fanfic I have done.....But after this fanfic I'll be writing a new one about a werewolf and it won't be 1D related but it will be very good I'm excited to write it eeekkk.!

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