Chapter Ten

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I woke to a terrible clanging noise. I slammed my hands over my ears, opening bleary eyes to the weak morning light. I crawl out of the tent on my elbows, hands still over my ears. I see Daisuke crawling out, hands also over his ears.

"What the heck is horrible noise?" I shout to him. He shakes his head, showing that he's unable to hear. "WHAT'S THIS NOISE?!?" I shout even louder. He shouts something back, probably, "I can't hear you!" I groan. This was impossible.

Sensei jumps down from the tree he must have been in, slamming his kunai against the small dinner pot. He ceased the incessant banging, and we hesitantly removed our hands from our ears. "I believe what she was trying to say was, 'What in the name of all things good and evil is that noise?'" He turned to me, "Am I right?"

I shrug. "More or less,"

Daisuke glowers at the pot in Sensei's hand. "I never knew such a small pot could make so much noise," He muttered.

Sensei looks around. "Where's Shun and Shri: Not up yet?" He raises the pot and kunai, ready to resume the wake up call, "I better--"

"NO!" Daisuke and I interrupt him.

"We'll wake them up ourselves," He muttered, heading towards Shri's tent. I walk into Shun's, where he was curled up, fast asleep, not even bothered by the noise. I giggle to myself then shake him awake.

"Hmm?" He mumbles, curling up tighter and hugging his pillow to his chest. D'awww...

"It's time to wake up: we need to get moving," I told him.

"Mmkay," he agreed, though he showed no signs of truly waking up. I sighed, then reached down and tickled his foot. With a screech he jumped out of bed, in a defensive stance.

I held my hands up in surrender. "I had no idea you were so ticklish," I teased. He blushed, lowering his hands and glancing around.

"Yeah... Don't tell Daisuke or he'll be torturing me," Shin asked.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," I assured him.

I backed out of the tent, him following me, trying to straighten his disheveled hair. We disassembled the tents, eating a quick breakfast and taking to the road. I ignore Shri's attempts to make conversation the best I can, determined to win the contest today.

After only an hour of travel Daisuke begins to lag. "Daisuke, keep up!" Sensei reprimands, "We don't stop until an hour before nightfall!"

"But what about breakfast?" Daisuke complains.

Sensei raises an eyebrow. "You've already had it," he reminds Daisuke.

"We've had one, yes, but what about second breakfast?"

Sensei stares at Daisuke, trying to figure out if he's joking or not. He turns and begins walking again, leaving Daisuke to stare forlornly after him.

Shun walks up to him, clasping his shoulder. "I don't think he knows about second breakfast Dai." He breaks it to him kindly before hurrying to catch up to us.

"What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner!? Supper!? He knows about them, doesn't he?!?" He shouts desperately after us.

"I wouldn't count on it," Shun calls over his shoulder.

"Here!" Sensei throws something over his shoulder, which Daisuke catches deftly. He stares sadly at the roll of bread in his hand before shrugging and taking a bite out of it. I giggle as he runs after us to catch up.

Everything was going well. I was sure I was in the lead. But then I saw something different from the everyday flow and movement of nature. Not trying to be obvious, I turn and catch Sensei's eye. He nods subtly. I turn towards Daisuke and Shun, to see them already staring at me out of the corner of their eyes. They nod and I nod back. We had all seen it.

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