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Part two, to The Waitress

One year later

Maya's Pov

Its been a year, a year of happiness and joy. I'm with him, Farkle  and its been nothing but fun i still work every day coming home with syrup covered arms but i have him to greet me when i'm there.

"Hey baby" i say walk through the door and greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey umm someones here to see you" he says awkwardly. i slowly turn and see Farkle standing there and someone was behind him with his back towards me, the guy slowly turns around and i gasp seeing who it is.

 i slowly turn and see Farkle standing there and someone was behind him with his back towards me, the guy slowly turns around and i gasp seeing who it is

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"Jo-Josh what are you doing here" i stutter out.

"i came to win you back" he says flashing his bright smile towards me,

'What do you mean me back theirs nothing for you to win i'm in love with Farkle he's the man i love and you are some low life drug addict" i blurt out and his jaw drops in shock of what i just said.

"was" he says quietly.

"what" i ask him.

" i was Maya, but i'm clean now.... and we can be happy" he says flashing his smile again.

"No Josh i don't want to be with you, you can change at anytime and go right back to drugs, plus i love someone else him Farkle Minkus he's the love of my life and i want to be with him not an ass hole like you" i say to him Josh stomps off like a five year old having a temper tantrum and slams the door. 

"Fiery, me likey this Maya now lets go get some syrup off you" He says sucking on my neck and i let out a moan and take his hand, leading him to the bedroom.

"Fiery, me likey this Maya now lets go get some syrup off you" He says sucking on my neck and i let out a moan and take his hand, leading him to the bedroom

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