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"Sorry I can't tonight because I have to be there for my mum." You explain as they all nod but still don't remember why.

School goes by as normal until you reach science with Stefan, you smile lightly at him but he seems slightly wary around you. You don't talk much in the lesson but Stefan seems to notice your sadness.

"Y/N are you okay?" He questions as you stare at him and nod smiling. "No you're not."

"I'm fine Stefan." You lied as he sighed.

"Y/N you can tell me." He stares at you with concern as you sigh.

"Fine well ugh 2 years ago today I got a call from the hospital, mum was at work so I was just home alone. Anyway they told me that my dad had been involved in a car accident and that I needed to get there to see him. I didn't wait another second and ran out of the house, mum had the car so I ran all the way to the hospital." You stopped for a second and sighed. "I took too long a-and I didn't get there in time, I walked in to find my mum crying. They wouldn't even let me see him, even if he was already gone I just wanted to say goodbye."

"I'm so sorry y/n, I had no idea." Stefan sounded sincere as he rubbed your arm comfortingly.

"It's fine, it was a long time ago." You shrugged and shook your head, despite it only being 2 years ago. It seemed like forever.
"Anyway..." You pause to change the subject. "That crow sometimes follows me home you know, the one from detention. It sits on my window sill." You laugh at how silly it sounded but Stefan seemed to stiffen at your words which confused you slightly.

The bell rings and you start to walk home since you didn't have a car, you just wanted to go home and comfort your mum on this day.

"Hey y/n, need a lift?" Matt pulled up in his truck and asked, you smiled up at him.

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Dying To Live [Damon or Stefan]Where stories live. Discover now