Not Looking For Love - 15 .

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Saturday Morning

• Ant's POV •

I swear Danyell's belly is growing by the day .

She thinks she's huge , even though I tell her she doesn't look that bad .

These babies are killing me , they need to hurry I want to be a daddy .

Anyways things have been cool .

I'm happy I got my family together and we are all living good .

Right now I'm on our way to Dev & Dy's house so we can have a meeting .

I was nervous about the whole thing , but I didn't know why so I dropped it .

I was just so happy for my family , I didn't care about anything else .

Me , My Family and that's all .

• Quan's POV •

I was driving to Dev's house to this wack ass meeting with him and Leak .

I never really liked Leak , he always seemed to envy Devin in my eyes .

But hey I could be wrong , but I know I'm right .

I'm usually always right when shit goes down .

But I Keep my mouth closed when it comes to business .

Business is business and pleasure is pleasure .

I keep the two separate .

I guess Devin didn't believe that .

I felt bad for Dy she don't know what she got coming .

But like I said Business is business .

And Me DaQuan , is a man all about his business .

• Leak's POV •

Yeaa , yeaa , yeea I'm the bad guy for dragging Dyamon into this .

But I honestly didn't give a shit . She ain't my girl anyways .

Dev don't need her he will move on , trust me .

Dev never hesitated when it came to business until he met that bitch .

So I wanted her gone and I rather Rocko do it anyway .

I he fails , I might just call one of my uptown nigga to come handle the little bitch .

Yeaa , I need her gone and gone now .

• Meghan's POV •

My heart feels like it's been ripped out my chest and stabbed to death .

It's been like that since AJ died .

Well he didn't die , them bitch niggas killed him .

That's okay , I got something for all they ass .

I loved AJ , he was all I had .

I mean he was my step brother , but he was all I had .

After our parents found out I was pregnant they kicked me out and sent me to live with AJ .

Every since that day AJ been providing for me and mine .

And Dyamon think her and Devin weak ass can come and take that from me they got another thing coming .

I hated Dyamon , stupid bitch .

I got something coming for her and her little boyfriend .

I was knocked out of my thought by my phone ringing .

" Yeaa Rock . "

" Is everything in place ? I wanna handle this now . "

" Yeaa That's the address , just stay put . "

" Meg you better be right about this . "

" I am Rocko . "

" Yeaa , whatever is this what you really want ? "

I nodded my head . " Yes rock baby . I want that bitch dead . "

" And as for Dev ? "

" Naah , I want Dev to feel the pain I'm feeling . "

" Okaay , I'll get the deed done ."

• Danyell''s POV •

I haven't been doing much lately .

Just staying home and eating vegetables .

No pizza , no wings , no nachos .

Fucking fruit and vegetables !

Ant's killing me .

They baby need to eat this , the babies need to have this , have that .

I swear it feels like this nigga the one pregnant not me .

Any who , I was resting on the couch when the phone rang .

I answered quickly thinking it was Ant .

" Hello ? " I answered .

" Hello . " a frantic Mrs. Smith said into the phone .

" Yeaa , Mrs. Smith whats wrong ? "

" They came Danyell , They they showed up and took him they they said he couldn't stay he wasn't able they took him Danyell . I tried to stop them but they just took him . " she cried into the phone .

" Wait slow down who'd they take ? "

" They took Daniel , They came and took him . I'm sorry I tried to stop them but they were everywhere . "

" Who came ! WHO ? " I screamed .

" Social Services , they said your mother was unfit and they had to take Daniel away . I said I could keep him , but they wouldn't let me they just dragged him away . "

I dropped the phone .

" I'm sorry , Danyell I tried I'm so sorry I tried . "

• Devin's POV •

I was sitting at the table strategizing with the guys about the whole Rocko thing , we had to hurry I had to meet with Bridget ass in a minute .

Everybody in the room seem on edge , except Leak he was ready .

" So the best way to do this is at night . Usually after Rocko makes a successful drop he goes to the strip club . Boom he meets Dyamon , takes her back to the trap for some fun while we have Dyamon occupying his time , we hit his trap and get in and out . "

Quan laughed . " It's that easy , huh ? "

Leak nodded his head . " I don't think I stuttered did I . "

" Okaay , so say we get in but how are we sure Dyamon's going to get out . "

" She will . Damn " Leak answered simply .

" Or We'll get out , Rocko's crew will warn him . He knows somethings up . & BOOM , Dy got two bullets into her head ! " Quan yelled getting in leak's face .

" Are you calling me stupid ? "

" I aint calling you anything , I'm just saying . "

Leak shoved Quan . " Well what are you saying DaQuan Reed . "

Quan chuckled . " I'm saying this is sloppy . "

He turned my way . " & Dev I can't believe you even down with this . "

I shook my head rethinking .

I heard the door but I didn't move I knew Dyamon would get it .

" Look I'm Out I can't deal B . " Quan said grabbing his jacket .

• Dyamon's POV •

I was sitting in the living room watching tv while the guys argued about something in the kitchen .

I wasn't really interested , this how all their meetings were .

Figting more fighting , and then they head out .

I haven't heard from Meghan in awhile , I been hitting her up but get no reply .

Anyways , I was chilling until I heard the door .

I hopped up to get it because I knew the guys wouldn't .

I made my way to the glass down and seen Bridget standing with a little girl .

I opened and looked at Bridget like she was nothing other than crazy .

" Uhh , May I help you ? "

" Look tell Devin I can't deal with the pay offs anymore . Tink needs her father and I can't be there anymore . Here take her , I'm done with this parenting shit . " she said handing me the hand of a little girl .

I grabbed her and and Bridget got into her car and drove off .

I looked down at the girl and into her green eyes that look just like Devin's .

I couldn't believe my eyes . I know this ain't Devin's kid . It can't be .

The girl looked about three and had smooth carmel skin like Devs .

" Heey come on baby doll let's get inside. " I said leading her into the house .

" Where's my daddy ? " she asked .

Those words crushed my heart .

" Uhh he's doing business , heey look let's color . " I said pointing to Daniel's coloring set he left over here .

She ran and sat down to color .

I looked at he book bag to see her name on it .

Chanel Renee Satino


Before my brain could even adjust Quan came storming out the kitchen and threw the door .

Seconds later I heard 3 loud shots .

I ran to the door to see a bloody Quan laying on the ground .

I stepped outside and stood next to Quan .

He looked into my eyes and I seen him shed a tear .

" Dy - Dy . " He repeated holding his neck .

The guys ran to the door .

I backed up slowly .

A black benz pulled up and rolled down the window .

I saw and pistol and felt a shocking sting hit my stomach then my chest .

I blacked out hearing Dev screaming my name .

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