Chapter 6

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"Kira." Someone call. "Kira." They said again. Maybe if I ignored them they'll go away. The person called my name 3 more time.

I groaned opening my eyes to see my mom hovering over me. "Yea." I answered sleepy.

"You have school. Are you going?" She asked. I didn't respond but stared up at her in silence. "Are you hurt Kira?" She asked worried.

"No I'm fine." I said worn out. She stroked my hair. "Come to work with me then I don't want you hear by yourself.

"Mom. I'm going to school I can't miss classes." I argued. "Okay. But I'm dropping you off. Your not riding that death trap today." She said sternly stroking my hair.

When she spoke like that I knew not to argue or I'll just be testing her patients and trust me you do not wanna get on her bad side.

I nodded. "Come on get up and go get ready or you'll be late." She said going to the kitchen.

When I didn't move but laid there she came back pulling me up off the couch. I groaned getting up.

I ran upstairs taking a quick shower and did my morning routine. I picked out something comfy putting my hair in a tight bun.

I walked downstairs grabbing my phone off the kitchen counter. "Mom I'm ready." I yelled out.

"Stop yelling." She yelled back and I instantly smiled.
I checked my phone to see that it was 8:15. "Mom if we don't go now imma be late." I said putting my shoes on.

She came to the door to were I stood fixing my hair and my clothes. "Your so gorgeous." She smiled.

"Mom." I whined pulling away. "Ok ok. I'm sorry." She smiled. I smiled at her. We rushed through the door going to her car. She unlocked the car and we both hopped in. She then started the car speeding off to my school.

I got to school around 8:35. I kissed my mom's cheek getting out saying my love you.

I walked into school to be greeted by Beth. "Hey." She said. "Hey." I said smirking. We knew wassup. So we usually don't have a long convo.

We parted and I walked off to my first period which was health. I was the second person in the class so I took my usual seat at the back.

The bell rang a couple minutes later and the students trickled into the class by groups.

"Good morning." Mr. Cummo said. "Okay we are gonna start a project since its the first week of school this one will be fun." He explained.

"I'm picking your partners." He said causing everyone to groan in frustration. I rolled my eyes listening to him.

I'm not working with none of these kids. They are not my cup of tea.

"Miss Lorenzo would you like to be my first volunteer of what the project would be like." He asked.

"No. I don't like my teachers get that straight." I said with a bored expression.

The door banged open and I already knew who it was Zayn and his groupies. Zayn walked in not even caring that he interrupted the class.

Zayn sat next to me not sparing a glance my way. "Mr. Malik why are you late??" The teacher asked crossing his arms.

"I wasn't sure if I should come to your class or not." He said shrugging. The teacher glared at him. "Zac and Zander is it the same reason??" He asked.

They both shrugged ignoring the teacher. Kids laughed while the teacher tried calming them down. Class end 15 minutes later.

I got up stuffing my things in my bag. Zayn was talking to Zac and Zander.

It's like they were debating on something. "Hey." Zac said.
I turned completely giving him a bored face. "Can I help you? ?" I asked.

His eyes did a total happy dance when I answered. He was frozen just there staring at me. "Hello." I said waving a hand in front of his face.

"Zac." Zander yelled snapping him out of his little trance.

"Your." He smiled a little. Each time he said your his smile got bigger and bigger and his eyes bulge.

"Your Limitless..." he said whispering the last part in happiness. "I know captain obvious." I said nodding my head. The guys behind him chuckled.

"Well then I just wanna take your bad ass out sometime." He said with a flirty face.

I laughed but not a full laugh. Just one to show that I'm amused. Wait what??!

I couldn't be. No No. I don't laugh.

I quickly composed myself clearing my throat. "Umm.. I gotta go." I said quickly walking out.

I walled to my next class and thank god Lucy was in this class.

I sat nexts to Lucy and to my surprise she was so consumed in her phone she didn't even glance at me.

"Lucy, I'm here at school." I said. "Oh hi." She giggled looking up for about 2.3 seconds.

"Sorry but I had the best day yesterday. I met limitless but she didn't talk." She said sadly.

I smiled at her. "Omg!" She said taking a picture. "What?" I asked confused.

She then showed me the picture saying, "Your smiling."

A smile instantly flew to my face once again. "Oh Kira I'm going shopping after school with Beth. You should tag along." She said

"I ca-" I tried saying but she cut me off.

"Great meet me at the front of the school after school." She said smiling.

She turned going back to her phone. I smiled looking at the door to see the teacher walking in.

Lunch rolled around soon enough. I opened my locker chucking half my books in my bag into my locker.

I closed my locker shut turned around walking to the cafeteria. I pushed opened the cafeteria door and walked to the table Beth and Lucy sat at.

"No I did not." Lucy argued scoffing. "Whatever." Beth said rolling her eyes.

"Kira, tell Beth that I didn't weird out limitless." She said turning texting away.

"I can't say, I wasn't there." I smirked. "Me neither."Beth mumbled and I laughed.

For lunch it was perfect. Talking to them smiling at the little things they would say.

It was great. I guess I could say they really changed me.

Limitless #2017StarLightAwardWhere stories live. Discover now