Chapter 4

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Rogue POV

Sting dragged me back to are room. We just had a big meal with the owners for thanks. It seemed that he had something important to do. What if it was the special thing I told myself about.... I hope it isn't bad. He wouldn't do anything bad to me would he? We were sitting in the room alone....well me and him. He sat on the bed next to me. Not saying a word like he was trying to clear his head. This might be bad so I was readying myself. I wasn't going to cry I wasn't going to cry.

"I need to tell you something important."What was he going to tell me? What if he was going to leave me! I had to tell him how I feel!

" Promise me you wouldn't get mad a-" I cut him off.

"Sting I love you! I have always loved you! I didn't know what you would think of it so I kept it hidden! I just want you to know if you leave me I will still love you! Even if you don't feel the same!" I bursts out. My face bright red. He only smiled then started to...laugh!?

"It shouldn't have been like this. I was going to tell you that I loved you. And always had. And that I would never leave your side. Even if you didn't feel the same." I was completely shocked at his words.

Sting POV

Rogue just stood there shocked. I Brock the silence by pushing Rogue. He got back up and hugged me. I held him back again wanting to never let him go.

"I love you and I want you to be mine forever." I finally said. I let go of him. He seemed upset by it. Then I went in for a kiss. He didn't kiss me back but after a second he kiss back. It was a long passionate kiss.

A/N- Sorry this is the end. I would write more on this but I don't write lemons and one-shots. I don't know If people really like that so this is it. They lived happy together and after a year Sting asked Rogue to marry him. They lived happy together!

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