Kinky Nine Way Garage Orgy

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Chapter 33: Kinky Nineway Garage Orgy

((Playlist: I'm A Natural Blue by Waterparks))

Two days later, Sophie hadn't done much to 'fight for love'. Actually, she'd spent most the past two days sleeping, eating obscene amounts of ice cream, and thinking about what to do next. If her parents sensed something was wrong, they didn't bother to ask her about it.

Amy, who definitely would have asked, was away for the weekend. She had gone on a trip with Finley to her see her aunt somewhere by Salt Lake City. Apparently, she had a huge, stately manor that she was letting them use as a wedding venue. Of course, Amy and Finley were thrilled, and Sophie didn't want to call Amy and distract her from her wedding preparations.

Instead, Sophie just chilled through the rest of Sunday, falling into a sleep made fitful by the prospect of having to face Jackson at school the next day. What in the world am I going to say to him? She asked herself as she stared blankly at a ceiling she couldn't even see.

Sometime late in the night, or early in the morning, after she finally did fall asleep, her phone buzzed annoyingly on the nightstand. Sophie rolled over, stifling a groan. Whoever it is, I'll call them in the morning.

Just as it stopped buzzing, It started up again. She covered her ears with a pillow, but still the buzzing sounded as the person called again. And again. And again.

Irritated, she finally snatched up her phone and answered with a groggy, "hello?"

"Sophie, it's me."

Her half-asleep brain tried to process the voice. "Who's 'me,'" she mumbled into her pillow.


That woke her up. She glanced at her clock across the room and stated, "it's four AM."

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Of course you did. What kind of masochist is up at four AM by choice?"

"Wow, no need to be so salty."

"And there's no need to call at such an ungodly hour."

An awkward pause ensued.

"So, why are you calling me?" Sophie continued.

Jackson hesitated. "I... just wanted to talk you, I guess."


"I don't know. The weather. Music. The mysteries of the universe. Anything, really."

Sophie sighed. "How about we talk about something meaningful."

"Alright, mysteries of the universe it is."

"No," Sophie replied. "I meant our break up."

"Oh." Jackson paused. "I'm not sure what to say about it, honestly."

"Me neither, actually." Sophie sat up and leaned her head against the wall behind her bed.

Jackson said, "alright, you know what? Phone conversations are kind of awkward."

Sophie smiled slightly. "That's true."

"Get dressed. I'm coming to pick you up."

"Wait, what?" Sophie frowned. "Now?"


"And go where? It's the middle of the night!"

"Morning, actually," he corrected, "which means we can hang out and talk and it's technically more socially acceptable."

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