18 - Crona Gorgon's Words

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Maka POV
    I stood at the foot of a church. "He is in there," I pointed. "I feel him."
   "I do too," (Yn) said.
   "Let's get going then," Blair said.
   "Be ready," Kim said to Jacky.
   I opened the door to the church, and there we was, sitting there. He didn't look up, instead he laughed like a mad man.
   "Hehe," he whispered. "So you found me. I knew you would..."
   "If you knew then why did you stay here?" Harvar asked forcefully.
   "I don't know how to answer that. Maybe I'll just kill you and get you out of my way," Crona said.
   "Don't!" I yelled. "Why don't you come back to DWMA? We all loved you there, especially Ms. Marie and me," I asked.
    "'Love'?" Crona mimicked. "There is no such thing. Love is a lie, it keeps us happy only for a short time. Love builds us up and tears us down. If 'love' is such a strong and good thing, then why has it hurt me?" Crona asked.
    "You haven't found the right love," (Yn) said. "Find the right person, and all of the heartbreaks you've felt in the past melt away, almost like they never existed," he looked at Blair.
    "Don't forget the warm feeling in your chest whenever you are around love," Blair added on.
    "Love isn't just with one person," I said. "You can have love with anybody. Most of the people who you give your love to are friends, care to be mine again?" I asked.
    "And ours," (Yn) and Blair said in unison.
   "C'mon, Crona," Ox smiled.
   "No! I can't have any of that. 'Love' doesn't work that way with me! Have you forgotten who I am?" He started to panic.
   "No, we haven't," Tsubaki said. "But we don't care."
   "I don't want to say thing, but Crona if you're going to whine and bitch like this, you might as well kneel down to me," BlackStar said.
   "What's that? Some form of love?" He asked sarcastically.
   "Depends on how you view it," BlackStar replied. Tsubaki sighed.
   "Love isn't fake, I'll assure you," Soul said, trying to get back on track.
    "Look at DWMA. Love holds us together," Kilik said.
    "My love for symmetry and justice," Kid said.
   "Mine for defeating evil," Maka said.
    "Mine for power," BlackStar said.
    "We all have something to love back at Deatn City. Would you like to find yours?" Maka held out her hand.
    "Will I be executed?" Crona asked.
    "I'll be sure to reduce your sentence as much as I possibly can," Kid said.
     I smiled at Crona, he took my hand. I am glad we didn't have to engage in battle. No lives lost, and no injuries.
     "Let's go home," Jacky smiled at Crona.

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