51~Acts of War and Revenge

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It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. -William Shakespeare 

      I glanced around us. The cold stone walls were looming around us, chilling my bones. A bat's screeching sounded through the cave. Gentle crooning vibrated through the cave, thrumming against our bones. Vivianna stepped back, grabbing mine and Vincenzo's hands. Cassius swallowed, collapsing to the floor. My eyes darted to the right, where a young woman crossed her legs. "Cassius, bastard son of the king." she murmured softly, trailing her fingertips along his tanned flesh. 

      Vivianna glanced to the left, where two more women stood. "I wasn't sure if the Cannibalistic witches still lived here." she murmured.  

     "Leave, witch mother." the one closest to Cassius said. "We'll take him."

    Cassius caught her arm and tossed her into the cave wall. "Do it, Vivianna, and I will hunt you to your end!" he growled. "Mate or not, I will kill you! One day!"

     Vivianna grabbed our arms and teleported away from the prince.


     I ducked quickly, away from a shouting Valentino. He gasped, crushing me with his strong arms. "Ara." he breathed. The combined force of Vince's and Valentino's packs was fearsome. They flexed their shoulders and howled in praise for their alpha. Vivianna stepped away, "I can feel it, the venom." she whispered, lightly brushing his fingers over my heart. "You have one hour, Fireblood. People will die tonight, and none will be me." With a blast of red smoke she was gone. 

Vincenzo swallowed and shielded his eyes from the bright light that was Katerina. "What happened to her."

    "She can't stop." Valentino gasped. "The spell, it's eating away at her life force. If you get too near the ground falls away at your feet, as if she's pulling everyone somewhere."

     Vincenzo growled, "Prepare the safe house for the women and children. When they come for us," he shouted to his and Vincenzo's packs. "And they will come for us, KILL THEM ALL! Show no mercy, for you will get none in return!" 

    An array of growls rang through the clearing. I disappeared into the crowd of wolves, dreading the time they would shuffle me in with the females and demand I get to safety. He doesn't get to demand me, not anymore.


    My head snapped to the sound of pounding paws and marching feet. Vincenzo laughed, throwing his arms out. "You think you can beat me?" he shouted. "Never! Axel, Titus, Tala! Even Ezra! You piece-of-shit betrayer!"

    Ezra inclined his head, smirking. "I will rip your mates' throats out and throw their bloody fucking carcasses at your feet!" Valentino shouted.

    Vince's gamma's face went slack at the sight of Tala. He glanced at the hundreds of wolves behind her, threatening his family, and his face hardened again. Axel laughed, gripping Astrid's hand. "You speak words of war to us? And expect us to surrender! Heads will roll, Vincenzo Erebus! And your's will just be one in thousands. 

    I shivered, drawing my flimsy shirt tighter around my body. Clouds were gathering on the horizon, drawing towards us. I breathed in the night air and stepped away from my place on the tall grass, stepping next to Vincenzo. His eyebrows drew together at my presence. 

    Tala snarled, "You have five seconds to join us, or you will die with the rest of them!"

     I laughed, darting towards her army, slicing Tala's female gamma's head off with my claws. Ezra shook when he saw his friend's head roll in the grass. "Attack!" he shouted, lunging towards me. 

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