Your a Disgrace

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Dedicated to leeshurrr

I hav'nt been able to talk to Ryan and it driving me crazy. Ive just been dropped of by Lucy.As I open the door mum is fussing over Lisa my sister.They've gotton all different types of makeup and shes wearing a see thriugh black dress.

"Why havn't you been answering your phone Sarah?"Mum screeched to me.I check my phone 24 missed calls.I gulp.I was -

Mum cut me of,Sarah your a disgrace to the family.Your sister is winning pageants and awards,she is popular and has a Boyfriend. You all you have is good grades and 6 or 7 friends.You dont do anything,you dont even wear makeup.

Your starting to get fat as well,Just look at you!"As I look at mum, I start to think, Are you from Earth?!?.

I speak up to defend myself."I dont care what you think mum and Lisa.Im my own person,I know im not perfect but Im fine with that." Mum looks angry."How dare you!I feed you clothe you and you repair me like this?!?Your a disgrace, from now on I only have 1 daughter not 2."

My hands start to shake. I storm out the room just to make it worse I accidently knock over water into the makeup.Then I back into some clothes knocking them on the floor.I rush out the floor upstairs.

The last thing I remember is me jumping on the bed, with mum and Lisa screaming.With me falling into deep sleep.

Authors note...
Ive dedicated this to leeshurrr cuz she gave me some advice.

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