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There Becky was. Standing there in the middle of the two men that she had strong feelings for. "Corey, can we please not do this while Cassius is around."

"You know what Becky, if we keep pushing this aside, nothing will be solved." Corey told her in a stern voice. "Finn, the last thing I want is for things to get physical between us when it's not in that ring." The Irish lad agreed. Nothing will be solved if all they did was fight. It would only push Becky and the baby farther away from them.

"I made a mistake." Finn admitted, "I can own up to that. If I would have just accepted that the baby was mine from the beginning then this wouldn't be happening."

"But you didn't." Corey said, "I was the one with Becky throughout her entire pregnancy. I'm the one getting up at night to take care of Cassius when he wakes up. I have as much of a right to be this kids father as you do."

"I get that, Corey. All I ask is for Cassius to learn the truth."

Corey had so many what if's floating around in his mind. What if Cassius rejects me when he's older? What if he chooses Finn over me? What if Finn will be better at this dad thing than I am? The only way from keeping all that from happening is to leave Cassius in the dark about his biological father.

"Finn, I'm sorry." he sighed, "It's not gonna happen."

"Babe, I don't understand why you're pissed at me for."

"Because Corey, you really hurt Finn." Becky raised her voice but made sure it wasn't loud enough to wake the sleeping child. "I've been thinking that maybe Cassius knowing the truth when he gets older isn't such a bad thing."

Corey threw his head back in annoyance. He wanted to drop this conversation. Move on. When he told Finn that Cassius would never call him dad, he thought it would end the situation for good. But he was wrong. "Am I not good enough or something that you need Finn to waltz up in here and try to take control of my family?"

"He's not trying to take control of anything!"

"Bullshit! I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to weasel his way into the picture to get rid of me!" The lass stumbled backwards when Corey began to frighten her with his aggressive tone. He sighed to calm himself down. "Finn still loves you, Becky. He loves Cassius and he wants to take you both away from me. I don't... I can't let that happen."

Now Becky was starting to understand, "Is that what this is about? You're afraid of being replaced?" Corey looked down, being ashamed to admit the truth out loud. She pressed her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her. "Corey, that'll never happen. Not in a million years." Becky assuered. She backed away and pointed at her ring finger that had a shining diamond on it. "Look at this. This means that I am yours and only yours. I don't want you to feel as if anybody will change that."

"Bex," he breathed out shakily. "There's nothing more that I want than to believe you. But... I don't know. Ever since that one night... Things between us, between you and Finn have been different."

Corey was a afraid that Becky wouldn't live up to their life long promise. Paranoia possessed his mind about being kicked to the curb and letting another man, the man that his wife cheated on him with, to take care of the child that Corey called his own.

Becky rubbed her forehead, "I need to know that you trust me." Corey stayed silent for a few seconds. That was all he needed to do to make his wife feel guilty about her mistake. "G*ddammit Corey! How many times do I have to say I'm sorry for what I did? Do I have to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then what is it? What do I have to do to make you trust me again? Because I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit. I just want things to go back to the way they were before-!...Before that night I shared with Finn."

Corey crossed his arms, "Do you love him?"

Becky was taken away by the question, "What?"

"Finn." he repeated, "I need to know if you love him. Even a little bit. You can tell me."

"I... I care for him a lot..."

"I want a yes or no, Becky. That's all."

"Alrighty... I-"
A/N: wooo, another update and it didn't take 6months this time!!! So, do you think Becky will say Yes or No? Tell me your thoughts and it might motivate me to update faster 😜

One Night (Corey Graves x Becky Lynch x Finn Bálor)Where stories live. Discover now