Chapter 30 - Begging You

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Alaric ran a hand through his hair unruly hair for the umpteenth time, slamming his goblet of wine on the table in frustration, "And why not, my Queen?" His tone expressed how agitated he was.

"Is he even ready to accept his new title? His body is barely recovering. I know this my King because the healer comes by to give me updates every day. He is not ready. Do not push him." Queen Sophia frowned, eying his almost empty goblet of wine. The attendant nearby made a move to top the goblet up, but the Queen shot him a look to make him stay put. Alaric didn't need more alcohol influence in this meeting. He was very much tipsy already.

Alaric growled sulkily under his breath. Carlen was indeed not ready. Even though his wounds were recovering well and relatively fast. His recent outburst with Alaric proved he was not ready to talk about what happened, much less be paraded in front of the kingdom and conferred a title. Truthfully, Alaric feared that if he made Carlen accept his title now, the kingdom would simply watch him fall apart. But at the same time, Alaric felt a sense of urgency. His thoughts briefly entertained the idea of killing Lance so he wouldn't feel like it was forcing his hand somehow. Carlen and Lance, they did not seem just, friends. He needed to confer a title to Carlen as soon as he could.

"Sire, if I may speak?" Old Forg offered.

Alaric grunted irritably, "Speak."

"There is no rush, sire. He is safe now, within these walls. What will happen, will happen. He can be conferred a royal title when he is steady on his legs. It would also give us time to prepare a celebration fit for his new status." Old Forg suggested, "This way, it gives him time to come to terms with it. I am aware he is still not mentally stable enough for a celebration. He has after all, just lost a child."

Alaric huffed and folded his arms like a child that was just told off, "Fine, we will hold it off till he is ready. But not a day later. I will tell the healer to work harder to get him back on his feet. We are done for the day, dismissed."

The councilmen hurriedly bowed and excused themselves, sensing that the King was still very stressed out and only waiting for a reason to explode at them, perhaps maim a councilman or two in light of how volatile his temper had been recently.

"I thought that you were on my side on this, my Queen." Alaric started, once the last of his councilmen stepped out of the room.

Queen Sophia nodded, walking towards Alaric gracefully, "I am. But think for him Alaric, he is still very upset about his loss. Let him grief Alaric. Don't push him. He is hurt." Queen Sophia reminded gently, "He lost a child Alaric, you lost a child. I think you are only right to give this time."

Alaric stayed silent, contemplating the words that his Queen was saying, "You are right." He agreed reluctantly. Carlen was indeed not in a good shape physically to go through the entire ceremony. Not to mention, he was still very unhappy with Alaric and wants nothing to do with him. If he pushed him now, who knows how he would act during the ceremony. Worst still, he might truly lose Carlen then.

"Give it time Alaric, give him time. This is not easy for him. He just lost a part of him, he still hasn't gotten around to accept his loss. He surely will not be agreeable to this. We have done him wrong, give him time to reconcile." Queen Sophia explained, her heart breaking for the pitiful Carlen as she spoke. The image of Carlen hugging his knees and crying his heart out in the middle of the night played in her mind, and she swallowed her own grief.

"I know."

Queen Sophia placed a hand on Alaric's shoulder sympathetically. She had not had the time to speak with him about how he felt since he found out that he was a father, and how he was since he has lost his child. They have been focusing on Carlen, his recovery and his anguish, and they couldn't help but downplay Alaric's own pain. Sophia could sense that any time now, Alaric might lose his fight and give in to his inner demons. He was no longer the man she knew. He was angry, afraid and vengeful. Lance's imprisonment till this date was only proof of it. His threat to decapitate his head warrior served as further warning signs that he was becoming unstable and unpredictable. She needed to counsel him more, but he kept pushing her away when she tried.

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