51. He Doesn't Approve (CALM)

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Sorry wonderful people, I've been super stressed about sports starting back up (since I'm actually getting off my butt and joining this year) so my writing has been suffering, you probably saw this in me taking three days to finish off that last imagine (*sigh*) 🙄

Shopping in the juniors section was always so stressful. Not because the clothes weren't cute, but because your life had a dress code.

No shorts above the fingertips.

No spaghetti straps.

No cleavage.

No midriff.

They were Luke's modesty codes, and to his credit he followed all of them, except for when he was shirtless. But he wasn't shopping with you today, you had split up when you got to the mall and he had headed straight for the shoe store.

You had instead gone to look for shorts because it was hot out, and the only not pants you could find were either short shorts or capris. Normally you tried to avoid trying on shorts that looked too short at all, knowing you couldn't get them anyway, but it was just too hot for anything else, so you swiped a cute pair off the rack and walked over to the changing rooms. They were a nice thin and breatheable fabric, not at all clingy to your skin.

Pulling off your sticky skinny jeans, you replaced them with the thin cotton shorts that were a few inches off of the tips of your fingers, but still definitely covered your butt. Looking at yourself from all different angles, you had to admit that they looked nice, and felt so much better. They were a light blue color, with little pieces of lace on the side, definitely something you could see yourself wearing.

Biting your lip, you had to make a decision. Openly defy your brother in the name of all things comfortable, or go try and find something else.

In the end you had bought the shorts, squishing them between a summer dress and a Darth Vader tee.

You felt guilty, but not nearly guilty enough to tell Luke.

When you got home and unpacked your new clothes, you purposely hid the shorts in the bottom of your drawer, under the white jeans you were too scared to wear. (Periods hello)

A few weeks later when you were in the middle of record heat, and sweating to death in your dark, skintight, jeans, the short shorts began to sound really good.

Your friends had invited you to go out with them to an outdoor movie, and there was no way you could do so in long pants.

Sucking in a deep breath as you realized you would be defying Luke, you got dressed with the shorts and a t-shirt. You braced yourself as you walked down the stairs, knowing you would have to pass Luke and Calum, who were watching a movie, in order to grab your sandals and phone to go.

You tried to wait until a point of action when they were both completely focused on the screen before walking past. Luke however paused the movie as soon as he saw you.

"I really hope your joking," he said flatly, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Why'd you stop?" Calum groaned, tossing more popcorn in his mouth.

"Because Y/N is about to go outside half-naked!" Luke snapped, grabbing the popcorn bowl from him.

"Which half?" Calum glanced at you, "cause she looks pretty clothed to me."

"No, those shorts are very short," Luke countered.

"It really could be worse," Calum shrugged, "what if she was like left naked? Like all of her clothes only covered her right side?"

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