Chapter Forty One

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Maranus was resting. He was now clear of the influence of the enemy Guardian, but it would take him a while to regain his full strength. Elena watched as his chest rose and fell in fitful sleep. The old shirt and trousers her maid had scrounged for him were barely acceptable as clothing, though, and hardly appropriate for a man of his rank and standing. A man with a strong sense of honour, he would chafe at the lack of suitable clothing. She regretted that she had nothing better to offer him at the moment.

Maranus had come to find help for the Emperor from Castillon, and from Elena, but Tarion having arrived before him, and had done the job. An army was amassing and would soon be ready to march. It would be only another day until the full division of the Kaldene army that Queen Liriel had sent would arrive. There wasn't much time to get things in order.

The best place to find the Prince at this hour was in the private dining room at the end of the hall. Elena went over the mental list of items she absolutely had to attend to today. There were meetings with her commanding officers to review the rules she had devised for this first Castillonian army. A small book had been printed for reference and would be handed out to everyone. Discipline was essential in a large fighting group, and everyone needed to know who was in charge of what. Baldassare would report on the state of supplies. The man had a talent for organization on a scale she had never seen before, and obviously relished working on the project immensely. After this, she doubted he would be content returning to running a small fortress.

As she entered the glassed-in dining area she saw Liran was engaged in conversation with Jaline while they ate their morning meal.

"Good morning." Elena bowed slightly to Liran and gave a warm smile to Jaline, ever her friend.

Despite the informality of the private room, Liran rose and folded himself slightly to her, making her feel both honoured and awkward at the same time.

"How is my patient?"

Elena paused, composing a neutral response.

"I've checked him thoroughly. You were correct. His mind had been tampered with, and in a very clever way."

Jaline cocked her head to one side and Liran raised an eyebrow. Elena continued.

"The enemy used Maranus' own feelings against him. It was a dirty business, untangling the trap, but I'm glad I did it myself. It's a strange thing to walk in the halls a friend's mind, but better a friend than a stranger."

She left it at that, not wanting to go over the whole event. Whatever had passed between her and Maranus should remain private.

Liran took a bit of cheese and swallowed.

"It wasn't too difficult, then?"

Elena shook her head. Jaline blinked in wonder.

"I can't believe that you can do these things, Elena. All those years in Kalad and I thought you were just an ordinary Trillas living in exile. And to think that you're really a Guardian."

Elena sighed.

"I'm a very slightly trained half-Guardian, hardly the all-powerful being you have in mind. Despite Ergin's best efforts, I'm still a long way from the level of skill I would require in order to subdue a very powerful Guardian. Still, I'm pleased I was able to do this small thing for Maranus."

Liran poured Elena and himself a cup of tea. Jaline didn't like the drink.

"You ask too much of yourself, Elena. You've made remarkable progress in a very short time. Enough in fact that I think you might pass your final forms level now."

Elena chuckled at the thought. After so many years, it might finally be possible.

"That's the least of my worries. Preparing for a very long march with a brand new army is a much greater concern."

Liran took a sip of the hot liquid. "Still, I was thinking that a demonstration of your abilities to the assembled soldiers would do much for their confidence. I'd like to set up a match with you out on the beach tomorrow night. People can watch from above on the cliffs."

Elena wanted to protest. It hardly seemed important to pass her final forms right now. Still, a show of mastery would be an excellent way to rouse the troops. She agreed it was likely she was ready.

Jaline squeezed her arm and smiled brightly.

"You should, Elena. I know you can win, and you would do it with so much flare too."

Elena looked at Liran.

"It would be against you again?"

He nodded as he washed down his food with another gulp of tea. Somehow, she didn't relish the idea of beating him in front of the whole army. She wasn't sure it was good for his reputation, which was certainly as important as hers. Liran observed her for a moment.

"I'm not going to be commanding these soldiers, Elena. You will. It might even help them understand why you will be in charge rather than me. I'm going to be organizing the Marulan and working with them, but I will contribute to discussions of strategy and will stand by you if you have an opportunity to face Argentia directly. My training is better suited to self protection and one on one combat."

He was correct, but she didn't want him to think he wasn't capable of fighting in a war if needed. He should be able to hold his own if he were in battle.

"Yet there is a link between these. Each time you face someone in battle you are essentially in one on one combat."

Liran nodded.

"But to command, as you managed to demonstrate, is entirely another skill, and to plan a strategy that will win a battle, yet another."

Liran stood and brushed off the crumbs of his meal from his uniform.

"No, I think I've made the right choice in you, Elena. I will be awarding you your official command and rank tomorrow at sunset. Then you can, in turn, give out ranks to the others. Is Field Marshal the appropriate name for the position you will hold?"

Elena nodded. She felt a little thrill. She had never hoped for such when she was in the Legion. Women were only tolerated there. It was hard not to be pleased with such a title and position. If only she might prove herself worthy of the name. She set her cup on the table and rose as well. Jaline too, stood and followed them out of the room.

"Well, enough talk about armies. Tell me about your wounded man, Elena. Did you have a happy reunion?"

Elena sighed. Jaline was forever the matchmaker. Did she think she had a new project?

"Maranus is a good man, and an excellent soldier and trainer. He taught me most of what I know. But that was a long time ago. I was shocked to see how he has aged."

Jaline held a hand up to her mouth as if she had said something wrong. "Of course, I forgot, he is Trillas."

"I hope that he will march with us to return to his post with the Legion. I'm afraid he needs a new uniform, though. Is there any chance I could get that tailor back here in time to make him one?"

Jaline frowned.

"You have a lot to look after, Elena, now that you're in charge of the army. Why don't you let me look after that?"

Relieved at the kind offer, Elena smiled and hugged her friend.

"Thank you, my friend. To tell the truth, I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the responsibility."

Jaline pulled away and looked her in the eye.

"That may be, and it's understandable, but I wouldn't be mentioning that to my father or anyone one else."

"Of course not. It will be our secret."


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