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Bailey POV

I sat in my room hugging my knees wondering why I even liked him. My mom was at her new job at the hospital so I was alone with Franklin and Hailey.

They were sleeping which made me feel really lonely. I felt sad that I ended my friendship with Derek, but if he can't tell me things then why should I keep being his friend.

My phone rang I looked at it but didn't answer. I laid on my bed and fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock going off. I really don't wanna go to school because is have to see Derek, but I guess il have to survive.

I got up showered and changed. I walked outside and began my journey to school.
I made it through school without Derek saying a word. He looked my way a few times but nota word.

I walked outside of the school with Taya and some other girl name Louise who I just  met. We were going to have a girls night out.

"Did he show?" Taya asked.


"Did you go?"

"No. He upseted me. I even ended our friendship."

"You could find better friends." Louise said cheering me up.

She's right. I don't need a bad boy to be my friend. There's other nicer people out there.

Derek POV

After she ended our friendship I got in my Lamborghini and drove to Caleb's house. I think I'm gonna stay the night with him and skip Max's party.

That doesn't sound like me but I'm down and Caleb isn't going. I pulled up to Caleb's house and saw Jace's mustang outside. He never skips a party.

I walked in Caleb's house without knocking and saw him and  Jace watching a movie.

"Sup, you look down what's up?" Caleb said looking at me

"Well… um… nothing. I said and sat by them I ended up falling asleep on the couch.
The next morning I woke up and stole some of Caleb's clothes while he was taking a shower and changed.

I walked back downstairs and made some cereal and ate in peace

Before the guys walked down I left for school.
School past without me saying a word to Bailey. I would've walked up to her and said sorry but she doesn't wanna see me or talk to me so I'm trying to keep my distance.

I was really falling for her. I was even planning on telling her that I fell for her. But I can't now, and that makes my life worse.

Authors note

Awww, he likes her. I wouldn't have had the guts to try and tell my crush I like them like they did. Well please vote and comment. Love you my baes.


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