Chapter 1

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"Wake up!" My irritating brother said as he threw a pillow at my face. Ugh, I hate when people wake me up in the morning.

  I sit up and grab the pillow and throw it back at him saying, "Why did you wake me up!"

"Your friends are here", Tre answered while rolling his eyes.

I looked at my phone it was 1:04. I got up and went to see who was downstairs. Bri and NeNe were sitting on the couch watching tv. My mom must be at work right now cause she wouldn't have let Tre hit me like that and get away with it.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" Bri greeted.

"Hey, guys!" I said.

"Hey DJ, wanna go to the mall today?" NeNe questioned.

"Sure, let me get dressed and we can go!" I answered.

  I ran upstairs and got in the shower washed up and got out. I brushed my teeth in my towel, then walked back to my room. I pulled out my black ripped shorts and a marvel tee, with my black Jordans.

I brush my hair and tied a matching bandana on my head

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I brush my hair and tied a matching bandana on my head. After that I headed back to the bathroom and put some mascara and lipgloss on. I grabbed my phone of the sink. Once I was done I went downstairs and met the girls at the door.

  "Took you long enough!" NeNe said giggling. We all got in Bri's mom car. Bri was in the front with her mom. NeNe and I sat in the back.

"Y'all ready?" Bri's mom asked.

"Yeah!" We answered. She drove to the mall. It wasn't that far from my house. It was like a 15 minute ride. Once we got to the entrance, the girls and I hopped out the car.

"Here is $100, have fun girls! Text me when your done so I can pick you up." Bri's mom said.

"Ok, bye mom!" Bri replied. We headed to Rue 21 and looked around. I found a cute pair of dark ripped skinny jeans and a red halter crop top. I looked for the girls. Bri was on the other side looking at a black t-shirt dress. NeNe had a pair of white high waist shorts and a pink crop top.

"I'm done in here are y'all, cause I'm hungry" I complained.

    "Same lets head to the food court!" NeNe suggested. We went and payed for our stuff and walked to the food court. We all went and got Chik-Fil a. I found a table while waiting on the girls with the food.

After we ate we went to a few more stores and by that time it was 7. Bri called her mom to come get us. Its burning up out here, its 99 degrees. The joys of living in Texas. While we were waiting I got a notification that we hit 20k followers on YouTube. Oh yeah, I forgot we have a group called BRB. It stands for Briyaun-Ryanne-Brittney. Btw I'm DJ if you haven't figured out by now. That's my nickname at least, my real name is Ryanne. NeNe is Brittney, and Bri obviously is Briyaun. But anyways we post covers of songs on our channel, were pretty good. Maybe we can post another one later on. 

We saw Bri's mom pull up and got in the car. On the way home we asked if we could have a sleepover at Bri's house. Her mom said it was fine, she just needs to take me home to get some clothes. I texted my mom and told her I would be at Bri's tonight.

Once we got to my house I ran inside and grabbed a bag and put pajamas, an outfit for tomorrow, my toothbrush and some makeup in it. I went to Tre's room and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" He yelled.

"I'm spending the night at Bri's, Mom should be home at 9!" I replied.

   I ran downstairs and grabbed my key to the house and got in the car. Nene had already grabbed her stuff, seems like they were waiting on me. Nene's house was a few houses down from mine. Bri lived on a different street than us. Once we got to Bri's house we all ran inside and up to her room.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Bri asked.

"Feel like uploading a new video on Youtube?" I suggested.

"Yeah, what song should we do?" Nene questioned.

"Oh, we should do Controlla by Drake!" Bri squealed.

"Yea!" Nene agreed.

"This is going to be lit!" I added.

Bri got her laptop out and went to her camera. I found instrumental music for Controlla. Then we determined who was going to sing what pitch. I am doing the low voice, Nene is doing the same as Drake and Bri is doing is harmonizing with the high part. Bri pressed play on her laptop. We sung the song and when we finished we added a extra message at the end.

"Thanks for watching and for helping us reach 20k followers!" Bri announced.

"Yeah, hope you liked it!" NeNe said.

"See you next video!" I added.

    Bri cut off the video and we all watched it once to review it. It was really good for our first try. We posted it and in 1 minute it already had 100 views. Bri closed her laptop and put it away. I looked at my phone it was almost 10.

"You guys want to Netflix and chill for the rest of the night?" Bri asked.

"Sure, let me go change!" I replied.

NeNe shook her head yes. We both headed to go change. She went to the guest bathroom and I used Bri's bathroom. Once I was done changing the girls were already downstairs. There was popcorn and chips on the table. They were chillin on the couches. I saw a cover and pillow and grabbed them and went to lay on one of the couches.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Bri asked.

"Let's watch Allegiant!" Nene squealed.

Bri went and put the movie in. I grabbed some popcorn and watched the movie. NeNe fell asleep after the first 30 minutes. I'm really tired but I want to try and finish the movie. Halfway through I started to doze off so I let myself fall asleep.


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