Chapter 3: Liam's POV

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All I wanted to tell him was that his headphones were on the floor. They sure looked expensive and knowing guys, we would rather flip than have our precious gadgets spoilt but why was he even giving me that dirty look?

"Hey, your headphones are on the floor. Thought you should know" I whispered to him and turned away to my magazine.

I thumbed through the magazine, hoping the bloody plane woud land quickly but when we had taken off, barely 30 minutes ago, that is midly impossible. But a man can hope, right? Harry was fidgeting in his seat, feeling uncomfortable. I was about to soothe him when Louis just smacked him hard on the head and asked him to stop moving. Louis then turned to his left and fell asleep. Boy, they sure could sleep anywhere. I caught Zayn checking out his hair in the mirror and I stifled a laughter. SERIOUSLY?On a plane? 

Just that, I felt someone touch me. I flinched a little at the unfamiliar feel and turned around, only to look into the most striking pair of blue green eyes. They seemed to have mellowed a little now, a good difference from the harsh look just a few minutes ago.

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