Andy POV

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I knew the moment we started arguing that it was wrong and we shouldnt be arguing. It was all my fault and it was time to sort it out. "I'm going to find him. I'm going to sort this out." Jake nodded at me and I left the hotel room there was no point in me packing my stuff, it wasnt guaranteed that Ashley would want me back and even if he did it was unlikely that he would want me back in his room so quickly. I walked down the hallway, key in my hand, down to Ashley's room. I stopped at the door, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was no reply, I waited a while longer and there was still no reply. I knocked on the door harder and waited. "Ashley? Ash! Answer the door please? It's Andy. I want to talk. Ash?" I called at the door there was still no reply.

I took a deep breath and put the key in the door. Reassured myself this was the right thing and pushed down the handle, the door swung lightly open and i let my hand follow. I gazed around the room. It was empty. Nothing there at all. I walked to the wardrobe, opened the doors. Empty. Ashley's things were gone. I looked under the bed. His suitcase. Gone too. A note was left, folded neatly on top of the present I had bought Ashley, hoping he would be up for using it. I picked up the paper, it was a note. A note from Ash. I read it

"Dear, Jake, Jinxx Cc & Andy

I'm sorry I had to leave this way but I know that it is best for all of us this way. I will not be where you think I will, please do not contact me. I will find my own way from now on, the many years I have spent in the band have been the best years of my life. I love you guys and the life you gave me but I know and you know now that things will never be the same. This is no ones fault. I have made the decision by myself.

Andy I love you and always have. Dont ever think that this is your fault because it isnt. Not one bit. Maybe we can meet again someday.

For now I say goodbye and hope you guys can carry on without me and keep things going. For the fans.

All my love and best wishes for the future. Ashley Purdy."

Tears ran down my face. He was gone. Why would he think this? Without a second thought I dashed out of the room leaving the door open, I ran straight to Jake's room. Jake and Cc were sat having a giggly chat about something or other. "I swear Jake, he had no idea it was so..." he stopped realising i was stood in the doorway. Jake turned round and his smile faded as soon as he saw me. "Andy. What's wrong Andy? What has Ash done?" I couldnt speak, my tears drowned my own words. The letter was the only thing I managed to realise I had, I handed it over to Jake, Cc sat next to Jake and began to read. A few minutes past. Jake stood up, thrust the letter to Cc. Walked to the door, span round "Grab your things" Both Cc and I looked at him puzzled, "We're going to find him".

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