Chapter 11

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"Umm...Penny. Wh-why is he here?" Kim asked me awkwardly, as she refered to Shay White, whom is sitting at our lunch table.

"Yeah, long story." I forced back my anger. My disgust. 

Damn this dude! Why can't he just let this 'friedship' crap go? And why of all people, did he choose me!? What did I possibly do to receive this kind of punishment? 

I mean, wasn't I, who pinned him against a wall infront of his comrades? 

I don't believe this!

"Hey, Kim. Good news. I'm Penny's new friend." Shay casually announced to Kim.

"You shut your mouth!" I immediately reacted. "I never agreed for this."

"No. You shut up and eat your lunch." Shay pointed at my untouched food.

"See, what kind of friend would talk to a female friend like that!?" 

"You started it."

"Just get lost already!" 


I groaned in frustration. I didn't want to argue anymore. It's wrong to argue with someone while you're infront of foods. 

I frustratedly sat down, then loadly ate my lunch. 

I guess I'll just have to agrue later. After I finish this.

"Good." Shay grinned as he saw me eating. "Now. While Penny is eating, why not have alittle chat with me, Kim?"

I felt Shay's hand slowly touchings Kim's back. I quickly grew angry then grabbed my apple and threw it at Shay. Hard.

"Fuck!" Shay quickly touched his face, to where I specifically hit it with my apple. "What's the matter with you!?"

"Listen!" I pushed my voice into a strong tone. "If you again lay one finger on Kim, I swear to you Shay White, I won't let you get away with it."

My body filled with rage as I tightly held my fork. Like I said a million times, if theres anything that pisses me off me, one of them is touching my friend in openly.

While still glaring at Shay, something appreared in his eyes that got my concern. The way he looked at me was clear, he actually received my message and apparently took it seriously. For a moment, I couldn't believe it. But after a few moments, while slowly removing his hand off Kim, it hit me, Shay White obeyed me.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry. Chill." He said sincerely.

With that respond, I actually felt calmer, but I declined myself to show it.

I know I was suppose to stay mad at him, but after seeing that look in his face, softened my mood. He obeyed me. I felt like, I threathened him or something. 

I was still mad of course. He knew very well that I hate having my friends disrespected. But atleast he softhened my mood a bit. Just a little.

It was, an unexpected reaction from Mr.PopularPlayboyJerkFace.

"Penny." I heard Beck's voice. When I turned around, I saw him, walking towards us with Lloyd by his side.

Beck had a smile on his face, along with Lloyd. But when they spot Shay sitting with me and Kim, their face quickly made an unexpected awkward look. 

"H-Hey." Beck referred to Shay. 

"Sup." Shay waved casually.

"'re Shay, right?" Beck tried a smile.

"Yeah. And you?"

"Beck. Beck Blake." 

They seem casual. In a...weird kind of way. They shook hands. After so, Shay's gaze turned to Lloyd and said, "Yo."

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