#74 - STORY IDEA 1 (teaser)

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Retelling Of Snow White

"We'll be back soon, c'mon, Ross." Rocky pushed the back door open. I followed closely behind him, pulling my gloves and hat on as my boots sunk into the fresh snow.

With ease, my older brother managed to jump the fence. I pulled on the top of the wood, trying to hook my leg over. He sighed from the other side, pulling my leg so I was swung over, landing on a bush. "If you want to jump a fence, pull yourself up and put a foot on the fence then just jump. It's easier, idiot."

I felt my cheeks redden. "Why are you always so mad?"

"Why are you always blushing?" He looked back at me, a grumpy scowl on his face. I looked away, "I don't know."

"Exactly. Now get collecting wood before the rest freeze to death."

Just behind our house were the woods. They were often the scenes to gruesome murders or wolf attacks, but also the only place where we could get wood to burn and didn't have to sell a lung in the black market to pay.
They were ironically beautiful though, populated with deers and squirrels.

This was Rocky's turf; he always came down here helplessly hatching at wood when he felt angered. When he came home, he was slightly happier, his slightly bloody hatchet in hand. "Get those ones over there, they'll last a while."

I nodded obediently, determined to make myself less helpless than usual, I went ahead and picked up a stack of wood the size of my torso. He peered around, then nodded, back to collecting his own.

"I think these should be enoug-" I was about to whine when I was brutally side tackled and knocked over. I cleaned my face from the snow, and looked to the side.

Collapsed beside me was a body with a circle of thick, black hair around her. She suddenly say up, and Rocky ran over, rifle in hand.

"Rocky! Stop!" I jumped in front. "Stop it! She's probably freezing."

I turned back around the the most pale girl I had ever seen in my life, her green eyes flashing terror at the two of us. Slowly, I unzipped my jacket, placing it around the shivering girl. "Is everything okay?"

"No, I need a place to stay." She said softly.

"What is that?" Rocky reacted to the snapping branch in the distance. From the woods came a wolf, sitting short of the girl. I stood still, frozen by fear.

Rocky, on the other hand, brought back up his rifle. "Don't him shoot, please." The girl pleaded softly. The wolf whined, nudging her with his snout.

"It's fine, he won't." I reassured the frail teary-eyed girl who trembled underneath my jacket. All she wore was a black dress and boots. "You can come with us. We'll help you."

"Ross, we can't just-"

Everything slowed for a second. The wind was slower, the birds flew in slow-motion and Rocky seemed trapped in a trance. Beside me, the once frail girl had adopted red eyes, her hair softly blowing in the wind.

"I need shelter. You have to take me in." She whispered calmly, my brother completely trapped in her words. With a click of her fingers, her innocence returned.

My brother peered around confused. "What just-"

"Please. I need somewhere to stay." Her voice was back to normal.

"Of course, but the wolf stays." Rocky negotiated.

She turned to the wolf, petting him. "He's friendly. Excellent at keeping away unwanted visitors. And you two don't live in the safest area."

"Mom won't let us have him inside."

"That's fine. He'll settle with a back yard."

"That settles it. Help her up, Ross. I'll take the wood." Rocky turned around.

Once I touched her, she looked to me. "What colour are my eyes to you?"

"Green," I replied, despite it being a partial lie. "They're green, Miss."

"Thought so." She grinned.


"We asked for wood, not a girl and.." Dad looked out of the back door. "Is that a wolf?"

Riker sneezed, silencing the loud discussion in the kitchen.

"If I'm too much of a bother I can leave, Sir." She said quietly.

"Of course not. Look at her Mark - she's scratched and bruised to the bone. The girl won't survive a winter night outside." Mom argued. "Of course you can stay..."

"Scarlett," she responded. "Scarlett White. And that is Jackson, my wolf."

I have been waiting for this my whole life, come on!" Rydel bounced in, dragging Scarlett away.

"Wait." She said with a smile, then returned to hug both Rocky and I. "Thank you both, you saved my life."

"No biggie." I blushed.

"Thank god we've finished this, I'm so sleepy." Mom yawned, returning upstairs.

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