The Consequences of Playing With a Werefolf

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Chapter 51: the consequences of playing with a werewolf
-Bex p.o.v.-

The night was quiet. I couldn't sleep. The lack of noise was keeping me up. I couldn't handle the feeling of being alone.

With a sigh, I escaped from the bed and left the dorm room. Not even looking at Lily, who was sleeping peacefully.

The common room was empty, the only light available was the glow of the small fire. I exited the common room easily, no one was awake to stop me.

Slowly, in no hurry, I left the castle and moved across the grounds. The moon was full.

I gasped with sudden realisation. It was a full moon. Without even thinking I took off. I was late.

The whopping willow was calmly swaying left and right, the leaves we're gone, fallen off and replaced with snow, which was shaken off every ten seconds as it began to pile up.

It was hard running in the snow. Every step I made I would sink down to my shins. The snow was falling heavily, piling up quite quickly.

Finally able to make it to the tree, and past the slowing branches, I slipped down the passage way. It was much easier to run now that I was out of the snow, the passage way was simple enough to pass through.

In minutes I was in the Shrieking Shack. The mysterious, old house that was rumoured to be haunted. Of course I knew it wasn't really haunted, that was just some stupid thing someone started years ago and it ended up sticking. But just because the house wasn't haunted didn't make it any less creepy.

The furniture was ripped and broken, the windows and doors sealed shut with wooden planks, and deep cuts were made in the walls and flooring. It was a pigsty.

I hurried through the rooms, up the stairs and down the hall. A creak sounded as I pushed off the last stair. From one of the rooms I passed came a faint growl, it sounded like a dog, but I did not stay to question it. I was in a hurry, and very late.

The room at the very end was my destination. The room was large and just as messy as the rest of the house, but this room was different. The window on the far wall was not boarded up. It was smashed open, allowing the cold breeze to sweep into the room.

I ducked out of the window, ending up outside once more. This time in Hogsmeade.

Now that I was in the small town right outside of Hogwarts, I only ,needed to make my way to the hills at the opposite edge of the village.

I darted through the streets, past all of the familiar shops. Hopefully no one would see me.

Finally I was nearing the hilltops. I shifted into Monster halfway up towards the highest hill, the one with the cave.

My senses were heightened with my change, as I came up to the opening of the cave I heard soft whimpers and groans in pain.

Ozzy, I thought, seeing a flash of golden colored hair when he bent over in the purest form of agony.

With a whimper of my own, I nosed the boy's side, coming to his side, waiting for the change.

He stifled a scream, trying his best to push back the change that was thrusting itself upon him. His back arched and he yanked at his hair, why does he always try to fight the monthly change? I thought sadly, it was only causing him more pain.

I whimpered again, silently begging him to just except the transformation.

As the moon came out from behind the clouds, shining right down at us, a piercing scream escaped Ozzy's lips, filling the chilly air. He began to morph: his clothes ripped, slipping from his shoulders; his bones snapped, reforming; dark hair sprouted from his pores, covering his golden hair; claws grew from his fingertips. He looked like something that hid under child's beds, a creature from a horror story, a mythical animal, he looked like a monster.

The scream was cut off, replaced by a howl. Ozzy had finally been overrun by his monthly problem. Ozzy was a werewolf.

Ozzy slowly stood up on his hind legs, towering over me. He sniffed the air, catching my scent he turning to me. He growled, the animalistic noise bouncing off the cave walls.

When he recognised my scent as one of a friend, his whole demeanour changed. He pranced over to me, looking like a bony, over grown dog. Smelling all over me, burying his nose in my neck, when he was satisfied that I was the one of his pack he pulled away, licking me.

I barked happily, rubbing against his side. Happy to be back with him.

He nipped playfully at my ear, before tackling me to the ground. He accidentally scratched my arm, I could feel the blood trailing down my arm, matting my fur in the process.

I rolled over him, pushing him down, showing I was more dominate. My arm was beginning to ache, the pain was sending spikes of pain down my arm.

He threw me off, running towards me he growled. His teeth were clenched and a loud onside was coming from the back of his throat.

I snapped at his arm that was pushing down on my chest, messing with my breathing.

He pushed me away, nosing me gently in the direction of the back of the cave. Play fighting was over, it was time to rest.

Together we went to the very back of the cave. Ozzy laid down first, curling up on the cold cave floor. I then curled up next to him, pushing my head under one of his paws. I snuggled into his side, falling asleep next to Ozzy.

The sun rose, shining on the cave. I could hear rustling from the other side of the cave, informing me that Ozzy was awake and back human. Also telling me he was naked and most likely searching for his spare set of clothes we always kept in the cave.

After a few minutes Ozzy's raspy voice spoke for the first time, "alright, you can turn around."

I turned, shifting back into my human form at the same time. Making sure to keep my arm from his sight line. Ozzy was buckling his pants, his eyes on me.

"Morning Ozzy," I greeted, smiling softly.

"What happened? Did I hurt you at all?" Ozzy asked, his eyes were shadowed with grief.

"Nope. Not at all." I lied easily, "you were actually pretty calm," which was the truth. He was rather calm, unlike the other times.

"Alright," he trailed off, he looked relieved, glad to have not hurt me.

"I need to get back to the castle, classes start soon," I told him, standing, carefully hiding my arm behind my back, so he couldn't see the cut.

"Okay, I'll see you later, Bex. Be good." I nodded and he apperated away, most likely to get ready for work. He never hugged me after transformations. He wasn't sure if he was all human after the sun rose or if he still had a little animal left in him. He didn't want to risk hurting me, even if I knew the second the transformation ended Ozzy was back to being the sweetest person ever.

Now that I wasn't in any hurry, I made my way from the cave, slowly and calmly. As I continued through the town I examined my arm, it was dripping with blood, leaving a trail after me. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip. It followed me as I went back to the Shrieking Shack, climbing into the widow. Drip, drip, drip, drip. It followed me as I made my way down the passageway. Drip, drip, drip. It followed me as I crossed the school grounds, staining the white snow. Drip, drip. It followed me as I went up to the Gryffindor for common room. Drip. It followed me as I enter my dorm room and went to the joined bathroom.

The blood was sucked away, down the drain. More blood gushed from my cut. More blood went down the drain. Finally the bleeding stopped, leaving a long gash in my arm, going from a couple inches above the back of my hand to the middle of my bicep. The cut was puffy and sensitive looking, very noticeable. But it was fine, it would soon become a faint scar, just another to add to my collection. Nothing to worry about.

After I finished getting dressed I went down to the great hall where most of the school was gathered for breakfast. When I entered quite a few turned to look at me, "what? So now I can't come get food in the mornings?" They turned away.

"Bex, where were you this morning?" Lily asked when I sat at the Gryffindor table.

"Oh so now you care about where I was? Yet I didn't exist when I was kidnapped?" I muttered with a glare, ripping my toast into pieces.

"Bex, that's not-" Lily started, she was cut short with the marauders making their entrance into the conversation.

"You look worn out? What's wrong?" James noticed, looking at me suspiciously.

I shifted my glare to him, defensively crossing my arms. "I could ask you the same thing." The boys looked tired, like they haven't slept in a few days.

He narrowed his eyes, "touché." And looked back at his plate.

"Did you sleep well?" Sirius tried, speaking from my side.

"Fine." I answered shortly.

"Then how come you look so tired?" He questioned.

"Because it's the morning." I retorted, with a glare to him this time. "Leave me alone." I made to leave the table.

"What's wrong?" He asked, grabbing me by my arm, stopping me from leaving.

I gasped, pain shot up my arm. My eyes glinted down to my arm, Sirius' eyes followed, looking just in time to see blood start to soak through my white shirt, surrounding the place where he held my arm. Blood was trailing down my arm, soaking my entire sleeve and dripping onto the floor.

"Merlin!" James exclaimed, "what happened?"

"Nothing." I pulled my arm free from Sirius, "don't worry about it, it's nothing." I back away, holding my arm close, as if to protect it.

"Bex," Remus stood slowly, inching his way towards me, "may I just see your arm?" He was speaking in the softest voice I had ever heard him speak in before, his eyes were tender, his entire presence was gentle. He looked like he was speaking to a small, injured animal he was trying to save from certain death.

Then I realized, I'm the injured animal. I darted from the room, eyes following after me.

"Bex!" Footsteps pounded behind me, coming closer and closer.

I looked around frantically, searching for an escape route.

"Bex!" They were coming around the corner.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. That's all I could hear, the blood was pounding in my ears, banging against my skull.

"Bex!" They were right behind me. It's too late.

"What happened?" Remus questioned, turning me around to face them. He lifted my arm up by my hand, gently rolling the sleeve up. The sleeve wouldn't go up all of the way, it stopped at my elbow.

"She's going to have to take the shirt off, it's in the way!" Sirius spoke furiously, he was pacing frantically.

Remus looked at me for permission, silently asking me to say that he could.

I hesitantly nodded, reminding myself that it was the boys, they wouldn't do anything to me.

Remus' fingers hurriedly unbuttoned my shirt, carefully pulling my arm out of the blood soaked shirt.

"Guys," Peter stumbled around the corner, breathless. When his eyes met with my half naked form he squealed and slapped his hand over his eyes, muttering apologies.

Remus shielded my body from view, shrugging off his robes and covering my upper body. I held the robes up, not allowing them to slip as Remus examined my right arm.

"What happened?" He frowned, staring at the wound.

"Nothing, it's fine, just an accident." I tried to remove my hand from his form grip.

He looked into my eyes, "this isn't just a scratch. You have a deep cut," he tenderly touched the outside of the cut. "It needs to be looked at."

"It's nothing Remus." I tried again.

"It's not just nothing, Bex, what happened? You can tell me anything, you know." He softly informed me, trying to find out the needed information.

"I can't tell you." I finally admitted.

He looked at me for a few seconds, staring deep into my eyes. "It's about you being kidnapped, isn't it."

Seeing the opportunity to escape the questions I wouldn't be able to answer, I agreed softly, "yes."

"That's all you had to say," James frowned, standing behind Remus.

"No it's not!" Sirius exclaimed, he stopped pacing and came to my side. "She's bleeding badly, that's not all we need to know. Did they torture you? Who did this? How long has it been like this? Have you been bleeding since you got back?"

"You know she can't answer those questions, Paddoot," Remus spoke. The nickname seemed to comfort him a little, he took a deep breath, yanking at his hair a little. "You need to calm down." Remus said firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You aren't the only one whose worried."

"But I caused this." Sirius ran his hand through his hair, sighing, showing just how worried he was. He yanked again at his hair, "I'm the one that made her leave and get kidnapped."

James spoke this time, "you know if this Lord Voldemort guy wanted her badly enough he would have gone to the extreme just to get her. You didn't cause her to be kidnapped."

"I could have stopped it," Sirius admitted his voice was rough, worn with emotion, "I had the ring, I could have found her."

"Mate, you know there was a slim chance of that happening. Don't beat yourself up. She's safe now." James patted him on the back affectionately.

"Safe?" Sirius spat, "she's got a cut that's almost the length of her arm and about an inch deep!" He gestured to my wound.

Remus focused back on my arm, muttering a few spells under his breath, he healed me. The cut magically fused together, leaving a pale scar where the wound used to be.

"There, she's fixed up." Remus said, holding my arm out for Sirius to see. "How does it feel?" He asked, facing me.

"Fine, thank you." I murmured to him, smiled slightly.

Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait, I've been in out of town for debate. Hope you enjoy!
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