Panic: Chapter 3

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Castiel POV:
I got out of my car with my brother. We started walking towards the school when we both stopped and heared a loud roar of an engine. We turned around and saw a Chevy Impala driving up. I couldn't see there faces so I just left Gabriel outside and walked inside.

Gabriel POV:
I was eating a sucker when we pulled up to my new school. First day of school, let's start planing some pranks. You see people at school call me the trickster because I always play pranks on them.

After my brother parked his car we got out and walked towards the school. When we just got to the doors we heard a very loud engine noise. We turned around and saw a classic impala driving up.

I'm guessing Castiel left for class because when I turned around to ask who that was he was gone. I turned back to the Impala and waited to see who they were.

After a few minutes they finally got out of the car and started walking towards the school. The guy that got out of the drivers seat looked scared and nervous. He was a decent height, taller than me anyways and just a few inches taller then Cassie.

He was also a little cute but not cuter then the other one. He was tall, like a moose and he also looked like he was smart but very fit. When they got close to the door. The shorter one stopped and looked like he was going to have a panic attack. The taller one stopped and ran up to him trying to calm him down, which I'm guessing worked because they walked into the school after a few minutes later, I decided to do the same so I walked to the main office and got my schedule when I started to walk out I ran into the taller kid I saw out in the parking lot.

I knocked all his books out of his hand. He bend down to pick his stuff up and I stared to help. He looked up and started to stutter. "Umm, I am so s-sorry. I wasn't looking" I stood up and looked at him and I could tell his shoulders were getting tense. I held out my hand so he could get up and he took it. I gave him his books back and said "don't worry kiddo it wasn't your fault. I'm Gabriel but call me Gabe." He held out his hand for him to shake. The kid looked confused at first and then took my hand and shaked it, "S-Sam." The kid looked shy so I was going to ask for his schedule until the warning bell interrupted him. The kid took of running until he was out of my sight.

Sam's POV:
We got to school and I looked towards Dean who didn't move. I put my hand on my older brothers shoulder and he jumped. He looked at me in the eyes and looked scared. "Its going to be okay Dean" I said to my brother trying to calm him down. He nodded hesitantly and got out of the car and I quickly followed.

I scanned the school until I saw this kid standing by the doors. I looked away quickly before he could look at me. Dean came around the car and then we both walked towards the door.

When we are at the doors I looked at Dean and he started to have a panic attack. I quickly ran to him and kept reassuring him that he was okay and that he is safe.

After a few minutes he finally calm down and started walking again with me by his side. We started to look for the main office when we finally found it. Me and Dean got our schedules and walked out of the office.

We found our lockers and got our stuff out. We looked at each other before both of us walked the other way waving good bye and then I turned around and bumped into someone. I looked down and saw all my books where on the floor, I started to pick them up when I saw a hand helping me. I looked at him with shock and I started to tense up. I stated to stutter "Umm, I am so s-sorry. I wasn't looking." He looked shocked for a second, then he stood up and held out his hand for me to take, I took it then he started to speak "don't worry kiddo it wasn't your fault. I'm Gabriel but call me Gabe" I was very confused until I looked down and saw that he still had his hand out for me to shake. I shaked his hand and introduce myself "S-Sam." It looked like he was going to start taking again, I just wanted to get out of here and go to class and with my luck today, the warning bell rang and I ran away from him as fast as could until I was out of his sight.

I stopped to catch my breath and looked at my watch. I only have 2 minutes to get to class. I started to look for my class and found it just in time. I walked in and gave a note to my new teacher. She looked up at me after she finished reading the note that my mom wrote before she left for work. She stood up from her seat and yelled to get everyones attention. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me and then to the teacher. " Good morning everybody, it is lovely to see you guys again. I hope everyone had a good Christmas break. We have a new student today, his name is Sam Winchester. Everyone make him feel welcome. Sam you can take a seat next to Kevin" "thanks" Sam mumbled and walked to his seat. "By the way dear, my name is Mrs. Tran" Sam nodded and then the day started. 8 hours of school and all he could think of is if Dean was okay.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now