Here's a skit(thing idk its so random)

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"You excited to... Uh... See me?"

"I could actually care less."

"Well, good to know. Hey!"


"You play that one in--"

"We all play instruments, you dip, this is a music school."

"Yes. I know, but."

"Your absence is hugely requested."


"Alas! You want to talk and mess with me! But, you cannot! For this year, I turn a new, great leaf!!"


"You'll sit in the shadows, as I walk the premises, parading in laughter at your struggle."

"you're mean to me."

"Tis the point. The point of no reference, nor return."

"Why are talking like that?"

"b e c a u s e
c a n ."

So you're not excited or anything?"

"I believe there is not a point for it. Why be excited for a year that would ruin your life entirely?"

"I.. Uh."

"Au revoir, mon ami. To old ends and new beginnings."


Yes. It is that time of the year again. Goin' back to school. Seeing your friends. Hablahblah.

For the past 8 years, on the last day of summer, I'd usually be excited and wait for the day to go by, and now, I could care a lot less if school came or went.

Everyone has asked me a lonesome of times If I was excited and ready to go back to school.
i am not.

It's not that I'm not ready to go back, I truly am. I just don't care about going back. Everything said in the previous whatever that was, was true.

I don't care about going back to school.
I'm not going to satisfy other people if that brings me sadness.
that's why I'm the way I am.
A sad angst teen.
and i dont wike it.

This is my last year in middle, in this shit school ive been in, for the longest time, and this time I shall not fib my emotions, I'm prepared to take the action if I get in trouble, my repercussions and consequences are in hand.

I'm unfazed and ready, and independent.
I'm a smart black independent woman who don't need no man.
Remember that.

this is random, but bottom line, it's all come to this.

I'll see, if I have class with you, you soon.
Tomorrow, if im not dying on my bed.

dont ask.

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