5. The Dream

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'Uhm... I have to go. My mom's waiting for me" Camila said giving Lauren a nervous glance to look straight back to her hands. Lauren quickly removed her finger from under the younger girl's chin, snapping out of wherever her thoughts had taken her to. "Didn't you want to tell me something else?" Camila asked shyly.

"Yes. The truth is I'm a bit worried about you, Camila. You have to be more confident outside of stage. When you're up there it's like you're a whole different person. But, when you're down here..." she said, staring intently at Camila who was now lost in the green eyes in front of her. "You act like you were a castle and the rest of the world is an army trying to take you down. And believe me, with that timid behavior of yours they will. Ariana, Sawyer, the rest of the contestants... They aren't going to be merciful, their goal is to win and they will brush aside anyone that gets in their way. Unless, this anyone and by anyone I mean you, stands up against them and fights them back. And that's unlikely to happen unless you step up your confidence game."

"But you don't even know me" Camila protested.

"Look, I know I met you an hour ago and probably I shouldn't be judging you so early, but I'm good at reading people and believe me you're like an open children's book" Lauren stated assuredly.

"Ok. I'll try to... I mean, I will" Camila corrected herself before Lauren could.

"You can go now. See you tomorrow at Blinds?"

"Sure" Camila said, before finally exiting the room. Lauren couldn't help checking the singer out as she left. Camila had chosen to wear for her audition a navy blue dress that hugged her in all the right places. Specially her butt, Lauren thought. God, that woman was gorgeous!


Neither Sinu, nor Camila said anything on the ride back home. Camila was still trying to get used to the idea that she'd be competing on The Voice. She'd also be around Lauren for a while. Camila couldn't decide which of both facts made her more thrilled. Sinu, on the other hand, had wisely decided to let her daughter take the recent events in by herself. Sinu hadn't seen Camila's eyes glow with so much excitement in a long time, and she was just enjoying the moment. Shortly after, they arrived at the Cabello's modest residence.

The moment Camila stepped into her house, she felt a pair of arms engulf her into a enthusiastic hug. She quickly reciprocated it, lifting little Sofi high up in the air.

"Mila! Mom called saying you are in!" Sofi screamed happily.

"Yeah, Sofi, I'm in" Camila laughed at her sister's sincere joy.

"And you chose Lauren freaking Jauregui!"

"I did" Camila admitted.

"Isn't she the most beautiful girl in the whole world?" Sofi half asked, half affirmed.

"Is she?" Camila counter-asked, avoiding to answer the question.

"Yeah. She has the prettiest eyes ever" Sofi squealed in excitement.

"She indeed does" Camila muttered, not loud enough to let anyone hear her words.

"Hija, you must be tired. Do you want to eat something before going to bed?" Alejandro inquired, joining into the family picture. He hugged his wife tenderly as they watched the two sister's interact.

"Thanks papi, but I'm exhausted. I really need to rest. Don't be surprised if I sleep for 12 hours straight" Camila spoke as she climbed the stairs, eager to reach her room. All the adrenaline that had run through her veins had left them already. She could feel every single cell of her body screaming for a break. She deserved one. All Camila could think about was getting a good night's sleep. She entered her room and collapsed onto her bed, clothes still on, and inmediately fell asleep.


I'm on the stage again. But this time is completely different. There is no TV host. There is no audience. There are no cameras. There are no red lights, only a single white spotlight aimed directly at me. I can see the back of the four red chairs in front of me. Apparently, I'm here all by myself. What should I do? Something clicks inside my brain. Sing, you stupid! What else are you supposed to do on a stage? I try to grab the mic, only to realize there is no mic either. So what now?

Suddenly, a chair begins to slowly turn around. Oh oh, I thought I was alone. I panic but I can not move from where I am. It's like all my body has frozen right in the middle of the stage. The chair is now completely facing me as well as its occupant, who is no other than Lauren Jauregui herself. She cocks an eyebrow at my sight, as a devilish smirk appears on her face. That is more than enough to defreeze me. In fact, I feel like I'm burning right now. Her eyes wandering all over my body make me notice I have one. And when I check its state, I realize it's only covered with black underwear. Nothing else. Strangely, I don't seem to care. I'm more worried about checking Lauren out. She's wearing a pretty tight red dress I'd rather she didn't. Eyes fixed on mine, she points at me.

"Come here" she mouths.

I quickly obey running down the stairs, approaching her chair. I stand up in front of Lauren, letting her hungry eyes devour all of me. I don't fall behind either. She places both of her hands on my hips, claiming them. I go one step further and shamelessly straddle her. She looks at me in awe. First my eyes, then my lips, back again at my eyes. She pulls a strand of hair resting on my face behind my ear as she squeezes softly my thigh with her other hand. She starts to lean closer, my lips already pulsating with desire. I close my eyes, ready to feel her lips on mine.

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