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dandreb lee sent you a friend requestyesterday

dandreb lee is new to facebook. suggest your friends to dandreb lee to get him new friends. 

dandreb lee joined facebook 27 hours ago.


9 unread messages from dandreb lee

7:48 am

dandreb: hi, kumusta ka na?

dandreb: i hope you are doing fine now, deidre

dandreb: because i am doing fine here in japan with mom and dad

dandreb: please tell my younger brother that he should get well sooner

dandreb: because i'll make him my best man for my wedding

dandreb: and you, deidre, i'll make you my maid of honor

dandreb: we'll be home after a month. dyan iheheld and kasal namin ng fiancèe ko.

dandreb: thanks for coming in my life, deidre. i hope you are happy now too with my brother. as so i have heard, nagkamabutihan na kayo :)

dandreb: i'm happy for the both of you :)
sent yesterday, 11:11 pm

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