Chapter 1

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The alarm clock in Serena's room went off and as the peaceful sleeping princess awoke, she screamed and started getting ready in a rush. I squeaked open my bedroom door and looked outside to see Serena rushing downstairs. She tripped and fell down the staircase on her behind. I sighed and shut the door once more and I started getting ready for the day.

My name is Chiyuki Tsukino. I'm fourteen years old and a second year middle school. For now, I'm being homeschooled by my mother because of my reluctance to actually attend a real school. Though I am officially registered at Juuban Municipal Junior High School. But because of certain problems I have, they've decided to let me be homeschooled for a while.

"Did Serena leave already?" I asked mom with a yawn as I walked into the kitchen. Mom swirled around and faced me, her beautiful dark blue eyes calm and gentle as she looked at me. "Yes, the girl really needs to start waking up sooner." Mom sighed.

I smiled and giggled at that. It was true. Serena is a sleepyhead. Will always sleep in for any event and that will never change. "Mom, I'm going out for a walk." I announced.

Mom blinked at me. "Okay, but come back soon, your lessons will start soon." I nodded. Mom is a nonworking stay-at-home-mom, although she doesn't go to work, she stays home and takes care of the house. For her to tutor me in my education is an enough burden for her. That's why I have to do my best and return to school....

When the time is right....

"Okay, bye mom." I hugged mom and started walking out of the kitchen. As I walked out, I heard the TV in the living room. It was turned on to the news channel and it was talking out the new guardian of justice, Sailor V. She's kind of a super heroine for the people.

If only Serena was more like Sailor V. I recall mom sighing one time when she was watching Sailor V news on TV one morning. I smiled and held in a chuckle. If Serena was like Sailor V, then the bad guys would have to look out for her clumsiness and her crying.

I turned away from the living room direction and headed out. The sun was bright and the sky was golden with life. Something told me that something amazing was going to occur.

Yes, something will happen...A small voice whispered in my ears.

I paid no mind to it and walked on, enjoying the glorious morning weather.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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