Chapter 26

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*Sunday, August 9, 2015 in San Jose, California*

Lauren, Ally, and Dinah had fallen asleep on the couch. Dinah was out by the first movie while Lauren and Ally finished the first movie and put on a second one, Annabelle. Lauren had fallen asleep during the third movie, Neighbors, her head resting on Dinah's while Ally had stayed up. It took a while but Ally fell asleep with Ryan, Dinah's dog, laying on her stomach. The morning came and Camila was surprisingly the first one up. Camila fell asleep in Jason's arms while they were cuddling in the front couch. Camila wondered where were the rest of them until she opened the door to the back couch, to see the three girls and Ryan sleeping.

"Lo, wake up, it's about ten thirty, breakfast time." Camila said to Lauren knowing Lauren was going to be the easiest one to way up. Camila had her hand on Lauren's shoulder causing Lauren to open her eyes and look around.


"Morning Camz." Lauren said and in that moment their tour manager, Will, entered the room.

"Lauren, where is Normani?" He asked.

"Out with Jilly."

"I need you to get her, we need the five of you here in three hours for interviews and you guys have to eat then get ready before that so make it fast. Car is outside, ready for you." Will said before walking out of the bus, disappearing and leaving Lauren a bit confused.

"Okay, I guess I have a task to do. Can you help get out of here?" Lauren asked Camila, seeing Dinah's head still on her shoulder and Ally's head on her lap.

"Sure." Camila said and slowly lifted Ally's head while Lauren took Dinah's head off her shoulder to get up.

"Want me to save you something to eat?" Camila asked.

"No, don't worry. I'll get something on my way to Jilly's." Lauren said and took Ryan off Ally's lap, putting the husky puppy on the floor to run around. Lauren picked Ally up and carry the girl to her bunk, laying Ally inside Lauren's bunk. Lauren pulled her blankets to cover Ally and gave the girl a kiss on her forehead. Lauren went to Dinah's bunk and grabbed a pillow from in there then walked over to Dinah, laying the girl completely on the couch and place the pillow under Dinah's head. Lauren grabbed her suitcase and took something to wear out then changed. After changing, Lauren went over to Ally's bunk, grabbing Ryan's leash then picking up the husky dog.

"Camz, I'm out and I'm taking Ryan! Bye Jason!" Lauren shouted as she walked out of the bus and headed to the car, a black Cadillac. Lauren got inside, placed Ryan in the backseat, and turn on the engine. Before starting to drive, Lauren send a text to Ally telling the girl she was out and where she was going then called Jilly.

"Lauren, what's up?"

"Is Normani still with you?"

"Yeah, she's at my apartment, I left her there. Look Lauren, I'm doing a photo shoot right now so I'm kinda busy but you can go to my apartment. I'll send you the address right now and the spare key is under the plant pot next to the door."

"Okay thank you and sorry about bothering you."

"No it's fine, don't worry but I have to go. Bye Lauren."

"Bye Jilly." Lauren hanged up and seconds later received a text from Jilly, the girl sending Lauren her address. On her way to Jilly's apartment, Lauren picked up something to eat and arrive to the apartment in about forty five minutes. Lauren parked the car and put the leash on Ryan's collar to take the dog out. Lauren picked the dog up then got out of the car and put Ryan on the ground. Lauren followed what Jilly told her and found the key exactly where the girl had told her to. Lauren got inside of the apartment and took the leash out of Ryan's collar, letting the puppy run around the apartment. Lauren found Normani sleeping on the couch, passed out with a bottle on hand.

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