Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

The white light burned her closed eyes. The ground felt smooth and cold beneath her back, and her chest felt sore. Taking a breath, Charissa opened her eyes.

The place was completely white and glowing, not a speck of darkness, yet there could be no denying it was Malfoy Manor. Legs feeling stiff and mind confused, Charissa stood up and looked around. She spotted a brown haired woman sitting on one of the couches.

“Hello,” Charissa said. “I'm sorry, but could you tell me where I am? I thought I was dead.”

“Not quite dead, sweetheart.” The woman said, looking up from her book. “That is up to you.”

“Why am I not dead?” Charissa asked. “And who are you?”

“My name is Merope Gaunt. My son is much more well known than me though, I'm afraid, and for all the wrong reasons.” The woman said.

“You're the Dark Lord’s mother?” Charissa guessed. The woman nodded.

“As for why you aren't dead,” Merope said. “That is due to my son and his quest for immortality.”

“What do you mean?” Charissa asked.

“My son was able to put a bit of himself in you, and he himself killed it just moments ago.” Merope explained. Charissa let this sink in for a moment.

“Does this mean my Mark is gone?” She said hopefully.

Merope shook her head. “Unfortunately, the deal was separate from my son's plans. The Mark will always be there, Charissa, but it doesn't control you.”

“I feel like it does.” Charissa muttered miserably. “I'll never be free of it.”

“Would you rather not be alive at all?” Merope asked. “Your parents made the deal to save themselves. They didn't realize how it would affect themselves later.”

“I know.” Charissa sighed. “I wish there had been some other way.”

“What matters now is the choice ahead of you. Do you wish to die, or go back to the living?” Merope asked. “It's your move, Charissa.”

“I want to live, obviously.” Charissa said. “How do I do that?”

Merope smiled. “Just step outside. Goodbye, Charissa.”

Charissa opened the front door of the house, seeing nothing but light. With one last look at Merope, she stepped into the light and opened her eyes in the dark graveyard.

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