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They were all standing in the defence against the dark arts classroom. Dani was still not talking to Harry, Ron and Hermoine. She was standing with draco.

"Remember the spell is ridikolous." Said Lupin.

"This class is ridiculous." Whisperd Draco in Dani's ear which made her giggle.

"Observe. Mr longbottom would you like to come to the front." Said Lupin.

Nevilles timidly walked to the front.

"Now what frightens you the most?" Asked Lupin.

"Pekfwsioe Saled" murmerd Neville.

"Sorry." Said lupin

"Professor snape." Said Neville a little louder. Everyone laughed.

"Yes, he is very scary." Said lupin." You have a grandmother as well?"

"Yes but i don't want that boggart to turn into her either." Said Neville.

"No don't worry. It won't. Now neville i want you to picture her clothes and only her clothes." Said lupin.

"She carried a red handbag-" began Neville.

"We don't need to here. We will see." Said Lupin.

Out came snape. Neville looke petrified.

"Ridikolous." Said Neville and Snape looked stupid.

Everyone laughed.

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