Chapter 1: Hair Drama

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I watch in the hair salon window as all the smiling girls gossip about the ball coming up and how they will spend every penny on their looks just to try to catch the eye of a handsome vampire. I watch as my mom walks out of the hair salon looking frustrated as ever but every year this happens.

" I'm guessing their booked? "

I ask her and she sighs nodding.

" I will probably just have to do you and your sisters hair for the ball myself. "

I nod in understanding but know my sisters will be anything but understanding.

The ball is not only a humans last night of freedom but it's also the most extravagant party thrown every year and everyone wants to look their best. To me it's a funeral for us humans and just like they prepare the dead for their funeral by doing their makeup for them and their hair while also picking dressy clothes to wear, the vampires prepare us by paying for the expenses of our dresses, suites, hair, and shoes.

I watch the girls smiling and talking about how excited they are to attend the ball and wonder if they know this isn't some Cinderella story and their night isn't going to end with a kiss from a prince.


We get home and my mom immediately is greeted by my sister Sophia.

" Please tell me you scheduled our hair appointment! "

She ask clinging onto my mom.

" I'm sorry sweetie they're booked. "

She huffs and crosses her arms stomping her foot like a child.

" I never get what I want! "

She screams in frustration.

" I'm sorry I really did try Sophia. "

My mom says trying to calm her down.

" Try? "

She scoffs.

" If you were actually trying you would have already booked it weeks ago! "

" Don't be mad at mom Sophia it's not her fault that all the hair salons are booked. "

" Well it's not my fault that I was born into a dirt poor fucking family who doesn't know what the definition of trying is! "

She yells and slams the door of her room making the door literally fall off its hinges.

" I hate my life! "

She screams. Mom sighs and walks to her bedroom shutting the door leaving me in the small living room by myself.

If you can't tell my family is kind of broken but then again in the vampire world I think every human family is broken. No ones parents meet from love like in the movies they are paired up by the vampires to make children to keep the world growing. Many of the " parents " aren't even permanent like my dad for example who I've never met. He was paired with another woman not long after I was born because the vampires thought him and her would make a good looking kid.

I'm not really sure if the woman I'm staying with now is my real mom or not because by law their not suppose to tell us who or where our real parents are. I guess you could say that love isn't welcomed in this world.

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