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"You look great." Lucy said squealing. She looked nice too in her puffy dress. She was so tiny and adorable.

"You too." I said. Zac and Zander gave me a tight hug. "Now you are the definition of hot." Zander said with a smirk.

"Well thank you mister handsome." I said with a wink. I felt comfortable smiling around them four. I could safely say in a month they grew on me.

Zayn didn't so much as look my direction. This is the first in a month I've ever talked to him.

I looked over at Zayn to see him downing a bottle of water. Why just great I look like a stalker.

"Wife." Said. I turned to look at him. "Wassup? " no were not dating.

But thats his nickname for me. " We're going to a party on tomorrow. You in??" He asked.

"No I'm gonna be busy." I said. "Come on." Beth and Lucy whined.

You would think they knew my secret well they don't. "It gonna be Halloween let's have some fun." Beth said excited.

"Beth we're not kidnapping anyone this year." Lucy lectured. "But -" Beth started but cut off by Lucy.

"No buts." Lucy said. Beth rolled her eyes walking out the room with Lucy following.

"Come on baby doll." Zander said nudging me.

I started up at there pleading eyes going back and fort to both their eyes.
"Fine." I said throwing my hands up. They cheered going out the room to find Lucy and Beth.

Zayn and I were the only ones in the room. I didn't feel at all comfortable.

I looked up to see him staring at me. I quickly look away. I looked up again this time not breaking eye contact.

"I can't figure you out. " he said. Thats all he said.

"Neither can I." I said raising a eyebrow intensely.

"I like your mom. She's a great person." He claimed.

"She is." I said with a frown on my face. My mom was the only person I have. I don't know what I'll do if I ever lose her.

"You okay?? He asked stroking my cheeks. "Yea why?" My voice was low and hoarse.

"Your crying." He said wiping my cheeks. More tears started pouring out. I don't know how to stop it.

I don't wanna lose her like I lost my brother. I wish I didn't lose him. I need him right now.

Tears rushed out onto my cheeks. Zayn held me close to him like I was gonna break soon.

"I miss him." I said my voice barley a whisper. "He was everything I had. He was the who reassured me that everything gonna be okay." I said in between sobs.

"He made the abuse look like it wasn't affecting him but it was. It was killing him." I sobbed out and Zayn held me closer cooing in my ear that I'll be okay.

"He was my brother. My everything. Mom's hero. Our hero." I said in a whisper.

"I miss him Zayn. I miss him." I whispered out again. I cried and cried that night thank god Lucy , Beth and the guys didn't come in the room.

I cried my eyes out that night. I cried till my heart ached. I cried till I felt like I was suffocating. It wasn't the good type of cry.

It was the type of crying that you can't make any noise. The silent cry. Yo oh find it hard to breath. It hurt.

I kept my tears In for years and years. It was affecting my whole life. The black clothing wasn't me.

Hurting people wasn't me. Making friends was me. I loved everyone but my love died when my brother died.

I only had love for my mother but Zack, Lucy , Beth, Zac and Zander have changed me.

I never thought that my life would change so much.

I love them all and I wouldn't want to lose any of them. Crying and crying I cried myself to sleep.

Mhmm. My bed feels great. The soft sheets. The strong fabric scent and the warmth next to me.

My eyes shot open and I jumped up kicking the person off the bed. I heard a thud and the person groaned.

They got up swiftly and to my suprise it was Zayn.

"Zayn. What the fuck??" I yelled. "Don't what the fuck me when you just kicked me off my own bed." He yelled angrily.

He was only in his boxers and his chest was on strong display. Then abs!!

"Well why would you bring me at your house??" I asked.

"You think I want to bring you here. Your mom suggest you stay here. She's not gonna be home for about three months. " he shouted.

My eyebrows frowned. "What??" I said softly. My mom was leaving me. Why didn't she tell me this.

"Ohh.. I can see you didn't know. But let me tell you how this goes. Your staying at my house for about 3 months.. your mom and my parents are going out of town and she didn't want you by yourself idiot so my mom suggested my house so here you go." He said in a duh tone.

He's such a dick. Why does he always have to say some mean stuff. If he really don't like me maybe he just just stay outta me and my mom's life but right now I was furious.

Furious with everyone. "Why do you always have to say some rude shit. Yesterday night you weren't like this. You were caring and sweet. I fucking hate you." I said my voice cracking at the end.

I wasn't crying. "Feeling is mutual. Would you like me to take you home?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Sure enough. " I said rolling my eyes.

Zayn took me home. I was home alone in my room decorating when I heard the front door slam shut.

I ran downstairs to see my mom. "Hey honey." She said throwing her keys on the key rack.

I was gonna beat around the bush. I was just gonna tell her what's on my mind.

"Why didn't you tell me?? I said with a frown. "Tell you what??" She asked putting her hair in a bun.

"That you leaving." My voice rose at the end. Her smile fell. Her whole face became pale.

"Kira." She called trying to touch me but I moved away.

"Don't mom. " I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear on my neck.

"Kira I have to work in order to get money for us." She explained.

"Is that your way of telling me letting me hang at Zayn's place last night. Mom he doesn't like me. He hates me. I haven't done anything to him but he hates me for some reason." I said in barely a audible tone.

She touched my cheeks wiping the tears away. "He doesn't hate you. He went through a lot as a child and Kira I'm not leaving you ever I'll still be in your heart but I need the money kira. Please just work with me." She begged.

My mom never got to do what she wanted to do and I was selfish if I didn't let her do what she does once in a blue moon.

After our little conflict. I helped her pack. We did our nails and hair. We Watched our favorite movie Twilight before it was time to go to bed.

I spent the whole day with my mom doing what she loved and what we loved. I'm going to miss her for these few months but she deserves to do what she likes once in a while.


Picture of kira mom on the side.

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