Airport fun

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I walked out of the grill and I decided on visiting Charlie and Renee.  They keep on calling me wanting me to come over so I am going. I knew this is going to be hard for me because I need to have them believe I'm dead so they can't expect me to come back.I called the airport and my plane is coming in 5 hours so i ran into the house and started packing. On my way out i bumped into Stefan. "where are you going?" He asked worried. "I'm going to visit my parents and fake my death." I said looking at my feet. "I'm so sorry Bells." He whispered and hugged me which i returned desperately. "Well i need to hit the road." I said with tears in my eyes. "Don't cry; please." He said looking me in my eyes. I smiled thankfully. "You are the brother i never had but always wanted." I replied in all honestly as i ran to the. I heard a quiet "By be safe." I went into my car and zoomed to the plane.

When i got there i got checked in and i went into the café. I got a frappe from McDonnell's then sat down and checked my phone. I decided to warn them about my visit. I called charlie first and i took a deep breath and hit send and pulled it to my ear.

(Italics is charlie)



"yah. Hi."

"I have missed you so much where have you been?"

"Sorry i have been busy i've made a lot of new friends who have healed me i guess but how are you?"

"I have been great. actually; you remember sue?"

"Sue Clearwater? Yah what about her?"

"We are dating and i know i shouldn't saw this over the phone but i don't know when your coming back."

"Actually Charlie i'm on my way over."


"Yah i am actually boarding the plane now."

"Well i guess i will see soon!"

I hung up and went on my way to the plane as i boarded the plane i saw Edward. What is he doing here!?! Deep breaths deep breaths. I ignored him and i boarded onto the plane. Out of 3 seats I was middle; fabulous. I put my bag on top of the seat and pulled out my headphones to panick at the disco(😜) and closed my eyes.

"Bella?" I heard Emmett ask. "Hola Chico." I replied sadly but not moving. "Are you okay?" Edward asked worried "wow I got the whole package just missing Alice." I said opening my eyes. "Have you thought about the deal Edward?"I replied smirking. "Excuse me mr can you please find your seats." The flight attendant said behind them.

Edward sat at the window seat and Emmett took the aisle seat. "What deal?" Emmett asked. I laughed "you didn't tell your family it isn't just about you." I said looking at Edward as he had an emotionless expression. I turned my head to Emmett "well me and Eddie had lunch today and I made the deal with Edward. Your family and I can be friends but it can't be anything but. But I think he is going to turn the deal down." I said putting my headphones in.  I heard Emmett say "Edward please don't we need her being her friend is more than nothing." He was very serious which is very unusual for him. I put my hand on Emmett's and smiled. 

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