Chapter Three Quitting Quidditch and Potions Professor

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Draco's P.O.V

I boarded the Hogwarts express just like any other year but this was unlike any year. I walked through the train and saw that Blaise and Astoria were absent, they must be running late. That was a good thing for me though because it gave me time to think. I can't believe Voldemort wants me to murder Old Dragon and he acted like it would be easy. I mean it's not like Old Dragon is the most powerful wizard that ever lived or anything note the sarcasm. On top of all that I had to fix a vanishing cabinet, how was I supposed to do that I can barely fix things around the house. Not to mention I will have to play it close to the chest or everybody will find out and then chaos and who knows what consequences there will be. I was suddenly starting to get a headache from all this morbid thinking and how can I ever face Baby Dragon knowing I'm part of the group that killed her family and left her homeless, my stomach turned. I put my head in my hands and then there was a sudden pressure on my shoulder, I looked up and saw that Blaise had his hand on my shoulder and Baby Dragon and Astoria were with him. They took their seats and ordered from the trolly that rolled by well by ordered I mean Blaise chucked money at the trolly lady and said leave the trolly. I watched as he immediately dove for a chocolate frog while Baby Dragon began munching on a pumpkin pastry and Astoria grabbed a licorice wand. I didn't feel like eating anything at the moment my stomach was fully turned.

I watched Baby Dragon bounce around in her seat she seemed to be doing well for someone who lost her parents. She looked at me and said, "Oh no I think I forgot Poo Bear, you know what he'll be alright. I'm excited for quidditch season aren't you big brother?" My tone was quiet as I said, "I'm quitting Blaise is the new team captain." He immediately chocked on his bite of chocolate frog and Baby Dragon had her mouth hanging open and Astoria simply rose an eyebrow. Blaise finally stopped chocking and said in a shocked tone, "Why do I have to be team captain?" I had a small smile and said, "Well you have the most experience so your the natural choice" He then said in a depressed tone, "I hate being a leader you know that I just want to eat and hang out with Nevi." I sighed and said, "Blaise have you ever thought what would happen if I wasn't around?" He looked baffled and said, "Of course not mate, you're always going to be around to make the hard choice's." I smiled sadly and said, "Blaise could you make those hard decisions if I'm not there?" He looked at me funny and said, "I could try but I'm not leadership material." I smiled and said, "Blaise, you're braver than most Slytherin's and I'm sure you have what it takes to be a spectacular leader, I believe in you" Blaise nodded and said, "I accept the position, but why did you ask me if I could make difficult decisions?" I shrugged halfheartedly and said, "No reason I was just curious."

I turned my eyes to Baby Dragon and said in a happy tone, "Baby Dragon you are now seeker" The look on her face was one of delight and surprise I would give anything for that look, she threw her arms around me and cried into my shoulder and said, "Thank you my dreams are coming true its almost enough to fix my shattered heart, I wish mum and dad were still here, they would be so excited." I saw the tears start to leak from her eyes and that's when Theo came barging in and picked her up before carrying her to a private compartment. Blaise coughed and said, "I will be right back I'm going to use the loo" I watched as he got up and walked out of the car that left Astoria and I alone. Her eyes had been on me the whole time and they were cutting through my very soul. She crossed her arms and said, "So I suppose we should discuss the elephant in the room, eh" I sighed and said, "You already know about the elephant, so what else could you possibly want to know?" She eyed me curiously and said, "I want to know what Voldemort wants you too do" I turned my eyes downward and said, "You really don't and I'm not going to let you get involved with it either, I'm being watched by Chinua and the Lestrange twins and speaking of that Chinua tried to kiss me." The look on her face was priceless soon shock gave way to rage and she began yelling at the top of her lungs, "Why that filthy little bint who does she think she is? Just because she dresses like a slag doesn't mean she should act like one! When I see her again there won't be enough left to fill a match box, creative dismemberment here we come!" At least it got her off my case.

We arrived at the Great Hall and a surprising sight was waiting there was a new teacher sitting at the table but he didn't look like DADA material. He had gray hair and he was portly he had on brown robes and took a swig from his flask every now and then. The Old Dragon took the podium and my heart clenched in anguish, how could I possibly kill this incredible, kind, wise, man. He is also the most powerful wizard in the world besides Voldemort. Old Dragon has given us incredible guidance over the years and I simply can't bear to throw all that away. The Old Dragon began to speak and said, "Welcome new students and welcome back old ones, I have an exciting announcement we have a new member of the staff but he won't be teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts. That position will go to Professor Severus Snape. Now without further adieu please welcome the new potions master, Professor Horace Slughorn." There was a round of applause and Old Dragon began to speak again and said, "The most dangerous threat we face comes from within Voldemort will try and use you, don't let him. We all must make the choice between what is right and what is easy but if for some reason your choices are neither, choose the one that you regret less. I once knew a boy who made all the wrong choices keep that in mind." He turned his eyes to me and I ducked my head, how could I look such a great man in the eyes ever again when all I am is a puppet."

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