chapter 2

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"Lilac how's Mathew is he ok," I heard Cindy ask with worry.

"I don't know they haven't said anything to us yet," I said with tears running down my face.

"Ok, just so you know we aren't mad at you, it's not your fault," she said as she hugged me.

"I know that it's just something else that I'm not ready to talk about," I said pulling my knees up to my chest.

"That's fine. But just know you can talk to me, I'm always here for you and so is your grandma," she said hugging me again.

"Thank you," I said hugging her back.

"for mathew," the nurse said.

We all stood up as she walked over.

"Okay he's gonna be fine, he had something clogged in his lungs it's really complicated but you got lucky if you had waited any longer he would have died," she explained.

" Thank you so much, and can I go see him," Cindy asked.

"Yes you may but he is asleep," she said as she lead us to his room.

"My poor baby," Cindy said as she sat in a chair next to him.

"Okay so here is his prescription and he can go home after he wakes up," the nurse said as she handed Cindy the paper and left.

"Hey can you go grab me a coffee from the cafeteria lilac," Cindy asked.

"Sure I was just about to go down there anyways," I said as I was getting up.

As I was walking to the cafeteria I spotted braden sitting in the waiting room chair crying.

"Hey Braden what's wrong," I asked sitting next to him.

"Nothing I'm fine I was just thinking of all the good times with Mathew," he explained and smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting a donut for me and a coffee for your mom," I said as I got up.

"Can I come?" He asked and smiled.

"Sure," I said as he got up.

As we walked I noticed that he was staring at me.

"Watcha looking at," I asked smiling.

"You," he said smiling and looking forwards.

"Why would you look at me," I asked him as we reached the cafeteria.

"Because I have nothing else to look at that's pretty," he said smiling at me.

I could just feel the heat in my checks.

The whole time back was silent no sound except from the nurses talking the tv's being watched.

I gave Cindy her coffee and called my grandma to tell her to go home.

"Hey do you need a ride," Braden asked.

"Sure, Cindy do you want me to take them home," I asked her.

"No Chris is coming to get her,"she said with a smile.

"Okay then let's go," I said as I started walking.

The drive was silent and the music was silent.

"Were here," I heard Braden say.

"Okay," I said and got out.

"Hey we're having a party tonight wanna come over," Braden asked.

"Sure what time," I asked. "Ill come get you at six, is that ok with you," he asked.

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