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  • Dedicated to those who have gave read any or part in this book

"Wait, repeat that again." Archie asked.

"They were taking away children." Daven answered.

"Why would they be doing that?" Saber pondered.

Roylin sat closer to me. "No, they were taking daughter's in particular." Roylin answered.

The team looked at Roylin and everyone else.

Saber faced towards Daven and Roylin. "Tell me, why are they attacking your village and how did they find you?"

"Greanger and we are enemies." Daven slouched on the bench looking as if he were about to fall asleep.

"How?" Anlace was sharpening her knife as she stared at us with a concerned gaze.

"We were people of Alleyal." Roylin bit on a piece of breakfast bread.

The Fate Few's eyes shot open. "You're from..Alleyal!?" Adez's face turned into a question mark.

"Yea, what's so big about it?" Roylin talked and chewed at the same time.

"Alleyal was our ally. Until they decided to join Greanger." I gazed at Roylin intently wondering about which side he was in.

"Well, some of the people in Alleyal didn't like the betrayal. A group of us ran and hid in the forest at night fall and then I grew up here." Roylin grabbed a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and drank it all up.

The Fate Few now had huge smiles and gave each other looks of excitement. The news of Admire's raid were grave, but good news also for NewBegin because of who Admire is.

"How many are you?" Saber asked leaning in.

"About a hundred I think." Daven grabbed a piece of bacon on the plate. "Why?" Daven munched and crunched the strip of fatty bacon.

Archie intoned his question and asked another. "Are you the only group?"

"No, I don't think so. We kinda separated because the group was to big. We split up." Daven finished his bacon and asked again. "Why?"

Saber smiled when Daven brought up the question one more time. "We'll tell you later Daven. Just finish up breakfast and maybe we'll tell you later."

"Okay." Daven just nodded, the question just seemingly nothing to be important. He grabbed another piece of bacon. "Can I have five pieces?"

Everyone laughed. "Sure Daven. Go ahead." Saber cracked another smile.

The Fate Few stopped asking questions and let the Roamers eat up their breakfast. They joined in too of course, but everyone could tell there were many things running in the Fate Few's minds.


The Fate Few left on some errand in the woods and us Roamers, well, decided to roam I guess. I remembered that the princess lived here and decided to tell the guys what has been plotting in my mind. I finished drinking the cold orange juice and then looked to my companions.

"Soo, I know the princess lives here somewhere.." I introduced.

"Yea,..why?" Neil gave me a look. That one word question was starting to become quite the trend around here.

"Because..." I tried opening the doorway more through their minds.

"Angel, don't get into trouble again." Roylin gazed at me.

"What?" I smiled. "Come on, she's probably always coped up all by herself and thinking about her mom and dad or something. The Fate Few already let us in the tree house."

The Roaming Archer (NaNoWrimo13&14) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now