Preference 1/2

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(A/N: Okay, so I was going to make this one preference, but it could have been a lot better in one shots. So, I'm doing another one of those preference/prompt/similar oneshots thing. Also, I'm skipping Caspian because I just tried to write it and it wasn't good. Yeah. Also also, mother nature just delivered her monthly gift. How generous.)

Prompt: How they wake you up- Peter

3rd Person POV

"Y/N." Peter whispered. He propped himself up on his elbow next to you, brushing your hair out of your face. You responded by continuing to sleep soundly.

Peter stifled a giggle. You know how everything makes you want to laugh when you are around someone sleeping? Yeah, that's what Peter was trying to suppress at that moment. And, seeing as he was beside you in the bed, any sudden movement could wake you abruptly and make you cranky. You only woke up in a good mood if Peter woke you up.

"YYYYY/NNNNN." He drew out your name in a sing song voice, still messing with your hair. He moved his hand down the curve of your neck and down your figure above the blankets.

"Okay, if you want to be that way." He said, smirking slightly. He leaned forward and started to pepper you face with light kisses. If it tickled when you were awake, it must tickle when you're asleep, right? Right.

"Pete," You whispered, not opening your eyes. You brought your hand up to cover your eyes, trying to block the sun.

"Yes, love?" He whispered back, and you could practically hear him grinning.

You didn't say anything. Instead, you moved closer, if that was possible, to Peter. You snuggled into the crevice between his head and pillow, sighing at the escape from the sun. You wrapped your arms around Peter's chest, clasping them behind his back.

"I don't want to be awake." You mumbled, lightly pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"Hmm," Peter hummed," me neither."

"Darn sun."

Peter laughed."Yes, blame the only thing that is always going to be there."

You came out of the hiding spot you had made out of Peter."I'm not blaming you, and you'll always be there, right?" Your eyes were wide.

"Yes," Peter kissed your nose and laid down. He pulled you on top of him and wrapped his long arms around your torso."I, and the sun, will always be here. But," he was being very dramatic, but you loved every bit of it. You don't get to see this Peter very much."The sun will always be there for everyone. Everyone can depend on the sun. Only you," he paused, kissing your forehead," can depend on me."

(A/N: Okay, so much sweetness! It's practically Halloween. Okay. I need sleep. Author-senpai, as someone once called me, out.)

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