Chapter 12

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Walking into the warehouse I saw Zack. "Zack!" I screamed running up to him. He embraced me into a tight hug.

"I missed you." He said pulling back. "I missed you too." I said smiling.

"I missed that smile of yours." He said pinching my cheeks. I grinned brushing his hands off playfully.

"What are you doing here??"I asked. "I came to see my favorite person." He smiled and I blushed.

Zack and I caught up. He taught me some more moves and fighting skills. Turns out he was here to couch/ trained undefeated. Great.

I have to train with Zayn until he wins the fight against Jacob. Not to brag but I beat Jacob like twice so I don't have to worry.

Jacob and I dated once but it was a mistake. We never kissed or had sex he was using me for His selfish needs.

Zack would be in town for about a week. I was happy he was here. We walked down the street laughing when one of us would tell a joke.

I missed him. He was everything. We were getting smoothies. "Two strawberry banana smoothie." Zack ordered. The woman smiled punching in our orders.

"That would be $4.75." She said. Zack swiped his credit card and we collected our smoothie before leaving.

We hopped in his car and we were off to my house. "You coming in. Mom asked about you, she's leaving tomorrow." I said smirking. My mom and Zack had a thing back home.

He chuckled. "Kira your not slick and its Halloween go hang with your friends." He smiled.

"Zack.." I whined. He raised his eyebrow with a smirk and I know what that ment. Don't start.

"Fine." I huffed out. He kissed my cheek and I got out his car going into my house.

"Kira good. Your home Zayns upstairs in your room getting the bags I packed for you." She said putting her hair in a pony tail.

She went back upstairs to her room and I ran to my room remembering that Zayn was in there. I pushed open ny door to see Zayn lurking around. He had a picture in his hand.

"This you?? " He asked. "Yea my brother took that picture." I sadly smiled.

He stared at me for a moment before asking, "What happened to that smile of yours??"

I looked down trying to gather my thoughts. I won't show it but I'm hurting on the inside. The tough act is a mask.

I didn't realize he was next to me until I felt him raise my chin. I stared into his eyes.

They were different. I saw generosity. It almost looked like he cared.

"You don't have to tell me." He said softly looking directly in my eyes. His eyes scanned my face taking in every feature.

I nodded unable to speak with his finger rested on my chin. His eyes were more gorgeous than anything I knew.

It felt like I was put on fire. Electricity shocked through me when he touches me. Staring up at him I felt something I've never felt in a long time.


His eyes flicked to my lips and he drew a thumb over my bottom lip before wetting his plump pink lips.

I've been wanting to attach my lips to his from the moment I saw him.

The gap slowly closed between us and I wasn't gonna stop him.

I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me but nothing happen. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me intensely like he was trying to gather his thoughts.

"I don't wanna hurt you." He held my face between his hands saying. He held me as if I was about to break or disappear.

"Zayn. What are you scared of??" I asked in a low tone searching his brown orbs. "To lose things I become attach to." He whispered.

"Zayn if there's one thing I learned from coming here is to never be scared. You have amazing friends. They love you more than anything." I said staring into his eyes.

He bit his bottom lip keeping his hands on my cheek. "And Zayn, I wanna be apart of your life." I said giving him a quick smile.

"You just don't get it Kira." He said removing his hands off my cheeks taking a step back.

"Well help me understand. My smile disappeared when my brother died.. I loved him. I really did. He was the only one I could talk to or even could understand me. My father. He never loved me. he hates me." I said whispering the last part.

"Zayn your not the only one going through a rough patch. I get it. Whatever it is. I wanna help." I said taking a step closer to him.

"Kira. I always end up hurting people." He said pulling a hand through his hair.

I walked closer to him removing his hand. I tipped on my toes. "I don't care..I wanna be their for you." I said before attaching my lips to his.

He kissed back with hesitation. His lips were soft the kiss was soft. He held the back of my head so I wouldn't move.

I intertwined my hands with his hair tugging at it. He let out a moan. We pulled away a minute later to catch our breaths.

We were panting. Our foreheads resting on each other's.

He moved away from me clearing his throat before picking up a box and left.

I looked around my room to see almost everything was gone. That was the last box he picked up. I geared a car pulled out the drive and I know he left.

We kissed an he left without saying anything. I felt hurt but i don't know exactly what's going on in his life and I need to find out.

Limitless #2017StarLightAwardWhere stories live. Discover now